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所属大学: 中央音乐学院

所属院系: 民乐系

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无刘月宁的教学风格


姓名:刘月宁 性别:女 生日:1965年10月5日 学历:硕士 职务:教师 职称:教授 机构:民乐系 电子邮件:lyuening@ccom.edu.cn 电话:66416969(Tel/Fax),13801033430 办公地址:琴房楼522教室 个人主页: yuening_liu@hotmail.com 擅长的乐器:扬琴 刘月宁 民乐系教授、硕士生导师、美国密西根大学客座教授、乌克兰Lviv国立音乐学院客座教授、捷克P.J .Vejvanovskeho国立音乐学院客座教授、乌克兰Volynj民族大学荣誉教授。九三学社成员、欧美同学会会员、中国音乐家协会会员、中国扬琴学会副秘书长、 中国民族器乐学会常务理事、北京市港澳台侨妇女联谊会理事、中国民族管弦乐学会理事、国际扬琴协会会员。 曾师从张五十先生(1938-2001)、桂习礼、项祖华教授并师从李祥霆教授专修中国古琴艺术。1978年十二岁时,以一曲扬琴独奏《映山红》而名闻海内外,成为当年家喻户晓的新闻人物。摄有电影《春蕾》、电视专题片《变迁中的中国》、《难忘成长路》等。 刘月宁教授在国内外的民族器乐比赛中获多种奖项及优秀教育园丁奖,同时,为扬琴音乐教育事业培养了大批的演奏专业人才,他们在各地区的各类比赛中都取得了良好的成绩。1993年,荣获第二届海内外江南丝竹比赛一等奖;1996年,参与创建了著名的“卿梅静月”中国民乐重奏组合;1998年,被评为北京市优秀青年骨干教师。 她创编有百余首扬琴独奏和重奏作品,在国际、国内的各类音乐节和音乐会上演出,引起广泛关注。还为二胡作品编配了大量的扬琴伴奏,进一步丰富了二胡音乐艺术的表现力。2005年,她研制的“分音色琴竹”,填补了中国扬琴制作的一项空白。 刘月宁教授曾出访欧、亚、美等20余个国家和地区演出和讲学,并多次在国内外举办个人独奏及师生音乐会。2005年4月— 7月,在北京举办的六场师生扬琴专题音乐会系列,首次在中国开创专题系列音乐会的先河,获得了良好赞誉。 2005年5月,作为扬琴音乐家,成为首位捷克国际扬琴比赛的中国评委; 9月,受中国教育部公派赴匈牙利李斯特音乐学院,进行了为期一年的进修访问。2006年,为表彰她为中匈及中乌两国在音乐文化交流方面所做出的贡献,被授予匈牙利教育部公立小学--中匈双语学校及乌克兰Volyn国立高等音乐艺术学校荣誉证书。 刘月宁教授已在中国和东南亚国家和地区出版了个人演奏专辑CD八张;扬琴专业教学三套系列九本教材;发表有关扬琴教育学术论文十余篇。 Email地址:Yuening_liu@hotmail.com LIU Yuening LIU Yuening is currently a professor and mentor of graduate students in Yangqin(Chinese Cimbalom)at the Department of Traditional Instruments of the Central Conservatory of Music (CCOM) in Beijing. She is the vice chief secretary of the Chinese Yangqin Association, executive committee member of the Chinese Folk Instrument Association, committee member of the Chinese Musicians Association, committee member of the Chinese Folk Wind and String Instrument Association and committee member of the Beijing Women’ Association for Hong Kong, Macau & Taiwan Compatriots and Overseas Chinese, member of the Cimbalom World Association. In September 2005, she was awarded as visiting professor by the University of Michigan of USA. In May 2006, she was awarded as visiting professor by the P.J Vejvanovsky Academy of Music of Czech Republic. In June 2006, she was also awarded as visiting professor by the M.Lysenko Lviv State Academy of Music and an honorary professor of Volynj National University of Ukraine. In 1978, when she was only 12 years old, Prof. LIU was famous for her solo performance “Azalea” and was widely known at that time in China. Later she was featured in the movie “Spring Buds” and the celebrated documentary films “China in Transition” and “The way they grew up”. Professor LIU was a student of ZHANG Wushi(1938-2001), Prof. GUI Xili and XIANG Zuhua. Later she also followed Prof. LI Xiangting to study the Art of Guqin(a oldest Chinese seven-?stringed plucked instrument for 3000 thousands years). Graduating with excellent grades from the Central Conservatory of Music in 1987, she was immediately appointed as a teacher of the institution. In 1994, she received her Master of Literature. As a winner of numerous local and overseas instrumental competitions, Prof. Liu also excelled in her music education career and received the Teacher of Excellence Award. She has educated a number of professional Yangqin performing artists who have received remarkable achievements in many competitions. In 1996 she co-founded the Chinese traditional instruments ensemble “Qing Mei Jing Yue”. In 1998, she was named “The Beijing Outstanding Youth Teacher”. Professor LIU has composed and adapted over a hundred Yangqin solo and ensemble compositions. Some of her works have been played in domestic and international concerts and music festivals and have received worldwide attention. As a performing artist and visiting scholar, she has been to dozens of countries and regions in Europe, Asia and North America. She has also performed many solo and concerts with her students and received further recognition. The 6 concerts performed by her and her students in Beijing between April and July 2005 are the first series concerts in Chinese Yangqin history and won plaudit from the public. So far, she has released 8 performing albums and published 9 research paper and dozens of journal articles. Email: Yuening_liu@hotmail.com

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