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所属大学: 中国石油大学(华东)东营校区

所属院系: 外国语学院

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无宋德生的教学风格


1978年(77级)考入河北师范大学外语系本科英语专业,1982年2月毕业并获学士学位,又于1984考入北京外国语学院英语系研究生班,1986年7月毕业,专业英语语言学。2003年10月在职攻读获曲阜师范大学英语系文学硕士学位。1994年11月起被授予副教授职称,2001年起任硕士研究生导师,2004年5月晋升教授。主要研究方向:英语文体学,认知语言学,功能语言学和翻译。 主要学术成果: 1.“从跳韵到音韵格律学”,外语教学与研究,2003年第6期。(独著) 2.口译教学:书面语篇的口语化设计,山东师大外国语学院学报2000年第1期。(独著) 3.简析诺曼征服后英国的语言状况及其发展主流,石油大学学报(社科版)1996年第3期。(独著) 4.大学英语写作:主要障碍与对策,山东外语教学1996 年第三期(语言与教学研究专辑)。(独著) 5.沃尔夫假说:渊源,研究与应用,石油大学学报(社科版)1998年第4期。(独著) 6."A comparative study of two translation approaches from the perspective of thematic configuration” in Fritz Konig ed. (2000), Proceedings of the 1999 International Symposium on Language Teaching, Beijing –Kunming. Cedar Falls: The University of Northern Iowa. (独著) 7.“博士研究生英语阅读课中的若干探索做法”,外语教学与研究论文选,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2002年。(独著) 8.“概念语法隐喻的跨域特征”,外语教学(专刊),2005年。(第二作者) 9.牛津袖珍英汉双解词典,(审订55万字;翻译23万字)北京:外语教学与研究出版社,牛津大学出版社,2002年。(本书除在中国大陆发行外,还在香港等地发行。) 10.牛津现代英汉双解词典, (翻译25万字) 北京:外语教学与研究出版社,牛津大学出版社,2003年。 11.大学英语四级考试词汇,词组用法手册, (第二主编), 北京:九州图书出版社,1998年。 Song Desheng (Professor) From Mar.1978 to Feb.1982 studied in and earned BA Degree from the English Department of Hebei Normal University; from Sept. 1984 to July 1986, studied in and graduated from the MA Program of English Department, Beijing Institute of Foreign Languages, specializing in English linguistics;earning MA Degree in Oct. 2003 from English Department, Qufu Normal University. Starting in 1994, as associate professor, in 2001 as supervisor for MA degree candidates, serving as Professor of English since 2004. Major areas of studies: English stylistics; Cognitive Grammar, Functional Grammar, and Translation. Major publications: 1.“From Sprung Rhythm to Phonometrics”, Foreign LanguageTeacing and Research,Issue 6, 2003. 2. "Teaching oral translation: methods of converting written texts into oral discourse". Journal of Foreign Language College, Shandong Normal University. Issue No.1. 2000. 3. "A short analysis of the situation and trend of language use in Great Britain after the Norman Conquest" Journal of the University of Petroleum (Edition of Social Science). Issue No.3. 1996. 4. "College English writing: major problems and counter-measures". Journal of Shandong Foreign Language Teaching. Issue No.3. (Special Issue), 1996. 5. "Whorfian Hypothesis: origin, study and research". Journal of the University of Petroleum (Edition of Social Science). Issue No.4. 1998. 6.“A comparative study of two translation approaches from the perspective of thematic configuration” in Fritz Konig ed. (2000), Proceedings of the 1999 International Symposium on Language Teaching, Beijing –Kunming. Cedar Falls: The University of Northern Iowa. 7. “Innovative approach to teaching of reading to non-English Doctoral candidates”, Selected Papers of Foreign Language Teaching and Research, Beijing: China Social Science Press,2002。 8.“Cross-domain characteristics of ideational grammatical metaphor”, Foreign Language Teaching, (Special Issue),2005。(second author) 9.Pocket Oxford Engliish-Chinese Dictionary,(Examiner for 1/3, translator for 1/7 of the book),Beijng: Foreign Language Teaching and ResearchPress, Oxford University Press, 2002。(The book is issued in the Chinese mainland and Hong Kong.) 10.Concise Oxford Engliish-Chinese Dictionary,(translator for the all the front materials and the Appendixes, and 1/3 of entries beginning with S),Beijng: Foreign Language Teaching and ResearchPress, Oxford University Press, 200。 11.Handbook of Vocabulary and Usages for College English Band IV, (second editor), Beijing: Jiuzhou Books Press, 1998。

  • 于剑锋



  • 林承焰



  • 吴伟



  • 郭会



  • 张丹青



  • 王爱玲



  • 郑立垠



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  • 欧阳恕所属大学:广西工业职业技术学院
  • 杨克斯所属大学:广西大学
  • 杨梅所属大学:广西大学
  • 文衍宣所属大学:广西大学
  • 范基骏所属大学:广西大学
  • 苏朗所属大学:广西大学
  • 李俚所属大学:广西大学