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所属大学: 中央音乐学院

所属院系: 作曲系

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无郝维亚的教学风格


姓名:郝维亚 性别:男 生日:1971年8月28日 学历:博士 职务: 职称:讲师 机构:作曲系 电子邮件:hweiya@ccom.edu.cn 电话:010-66425720 办公地址: 个人主页: 擅长的乐器: 出生于陕西省西安市,1989年考入中央音乐学院作曲系。毕业于吴祖强教授博士班。 本科阶段创作的小提琴与钢琴而作的《增与减》获得"中国风格作品征集"二等奖,其后完成的钢琴变奏曲《陕北民歌主题与变奏》获得台湾"新原人"作品征集首奖;22岁完成本科毕业作品交响音画《山之北,云之南》,由中国广播交响乐团录音。 1994年开始攻读硕士读研究生,创作了民乐二重奏《吟》,1995年应邀参加香港第二届现代音乐节,并演出第一弦乐四重奏《释义》;于1996年创作木管五重奏《鸟》和硕士毕业作品《圆号与乐队》与硕士毕业论文《斯特拉文斯基"管乐器的交响"音乐分析》后顺利保送攻读博士。 博士阶段创作了两部以民族器乐为主的作品,协奏曲《梦三则》为古筝、弦乐队与打击乐而作(1996),北京音乐厅首演,并获得台湾协奏曲比赛佳作奖;舞蹈音乐《盲月亮》为二胡、弦乐队、打击乐而作;1997年应香港中文大学邀请随中央音乐学院小组赴港学术交流;1998年创作舞蹈音乐《春风沉醉之夜》为大型乐队与人声,中国歌舞团首演;1999年创作音乐会序曲《九月速递》,中国广播交响乐团在中山音乐堂首演;1999年博士毕业作品《两乐章的交响乐》与博士毕业论文《继承与创新-斯特拉文斯基五部交响乐音乐分析》;其后在中央音乐学院作曲系任教。 作为教师,郝维亚担负大量的教学工作与科研工作.除此之外的主要作品与论著有: 1999年应厦门委约创作大提琴协奏曲《海的颂歌》。 2000年创作《真如之歌》为琵琶、打击乐与弦乐五重奏。 2000年发表论文《斯特拉文斯基"管乐器的交响"音乐分析》中央音乐学院学报. 2000年为香港普罗艺术(Poloarts)创作CD《箫色》; 2000年为那索斯(远东 NAXOS Far East)公司完成CD《桫椤河》。 2002年为中央民族乐团写作大型民族管弦乐队作品《传奇Ⅱ》。 2003年完成(作曲卷)有中国国际出版社出版. 此外,参与创作1997、1998,1999年的中央电视台的春节晚会部分音乐及歌曲;出任央视第一套《旋转舞台-百年经典》栏目的音乐统筹,第四套(海外)《中国文艺》音乐顾问;2003年应邀担任贵州遵义《依依山水情》音乐总监,同时此剧获得首届文化部"十大精品工程"。以及在人民大会堂举行的《春潮颂》、《祖国颂》等一系列的大型音乐会。 2001年受文化部委托为世界大学生运动会开幕式(部分)作曲。同时担任两届文化部的春节音乐晚会的音乐总监. 2000年获邀参加在汉城举行的中韩现代音乐节. 2002-2003年由张艺谋导演的上海世博会主题宣传片、北京申奥(徽章)的宣传片和中国旅游年的宣传片音乐(与张磊合作) 为大型民乐队的作品《传奇 2》荣获2003年文化部交响乐作品征集(民族管弦乐)二等奖 2004年下半年在北京首演的音乐剧《花木兰 》 2004年随中国作曲家代表团出访加拿大,演出木管五重奏《片断》。 郝维亚近年创作了大量的音乐作品,题材和体裁非常广泛包括:乐队作品、室内乐作品、舞剧、音乐剧、影视作品、广告音乐等。 近期的主要作品有: 2004年完成在加拿大、美国上演的大型行动音乐剧《兵马俑》 2004年钢琴协奏曲《长江》在北京保利剧院 由青年指挥家杨阳与中国爱乐乐团及钢琴家孔祥东演出。 受文化部的委约为纪念"中国反法西斯战争胜利六十周年"创作交响乐《纪念》(创作中) 为即将参展嘎纳纪录片大赛的作品《神秘的西藏》创作音乐。 电影《父亲》 电视剧《长缨在手》《平淡生活》《错爱一生》《浴血男儿》《离婚启示录》《青春不解风情》《相约青春》《谁主沉浮》(音乐部分)等. 交响合唱《天地一太白》《关山月》中国国家交响乐团演出 李心草指挥 荣获2002年文化部金钟奖 Curriculum Vitae of Dr. Hao Weiya Born in Xi’an, capital of Shanxi Province, Dr. Hao was admitted in the Central Conservatory of Music in 1989, studying with Prof. Wu Zuqiang and graduated with a doctor’s degree in 2002 Currently, Dr. Hao is the youngest composer with a doctoral degree in China. As an undergraduate, Dr. Hao won the second prize in “China Stylistic Music Competition” with his violin and piano concerto “Plus and Minus”, followed by first prize in Taiwan Xinyuanren Music Composition Contest. At the age of 22, he accomplished his graduation piece for undergraduate, a symphonic portray of North to the Mountain, South to the Cloud, which was played and recorded by China Broadcasting Orchestra, now named China Philharmonic Orchestra. In 1994, in his study for the master’s degree, Dr. Hao composed a folk music duet named The Chant. He was invited to the Second Hong Kong Modern Music Festival in 1995, and performed the first stringed quartet Paraphrase. He created a wood wind instrument quintet Birds in 1996. In the same year, he accomplished his master’s thesis composition French Horn and graduation thesis A Musical Analysis of Symphonies of Wood Instrument in Stravinsky’s Music. After graduation, he was admitted by recommended to study for a doctor’s degree in the same school. During the following years, he created two pieces of music featured with folk instruments. The concerto Three Dreams, composed for Guzheng, strings and percussion instrument, was first performed in Beijing Music Hall in 1996, and won Excellent Work Prize in Taiwan concerto competition. The dance music Blind Moon was composed for Erhu, strings and percussion instrument. In 1997, Dr. Hao, as a delegate from Central Conservatory of Music delegation, was invited to Hong Kong Chinese University for academic exchange. In 1998, his dance music Intoxicated Night of Spring Wind, a vocal piece composed for large orchestra was first performed by China National Song & Dance Ensemble. His concert prelude September Express was first performed by China Philharmonic, known as China Broadcasting Orchestra then, in the Forbidden City Concert Hall. He accomplished his doctoral graduation piece, A Symphony of Two Moments, and his graduation thesis Stravinsky's Symphony: Inheritance and Originality. After graduation with a doctor’s degree, Dr. Hao stayed in the conservatory to work as a teacher. As a lecturer, Dr. Hao is now indulged in substantive music education and research work. Apart from what was mentioned above, his other pieces of his composition include: Ode to Sea (1999), a cello concerto composed on invitation of Xiamen City, Fujian Province; In Search of Truth (2000), a quintet composed for Pipa, percussion, and strings. The Hues of Xiao Instrument, a CD created for Hong Kong Poloarts Company in 2000; The LegendⅠ (2000), composed on invitation of a quintet orchestra named Music Box of Taiwan; Spindle Tree River, a CD created for NAXOS Far East company in 2000; The Legend II (2002), a large folk orchestra composition created for China National Orchestra; A Test Guidebook for the Composition, published by China Int’l Culture Press in 2003. In addition, he was also involved in the CCTV Spring Festival Evenings of 1997, 1998 and 1999, in a portion of the staged music or songs. He was also the Music Director of the CCTV1 column program Revolving Stage, and Musical Consultant of CCTV4 column Chinese Arts. He also played a major role in the serial large concerts played in the People’s Hall, i.e. Ode to the Spring Tide, Ode to the Motherland, etc. Commissioned by the Ministry of Culture, he composed part of the opening ceremony music for the 21st Universiade in 2001, and was the Musical Director for the annual Ministry of Culture Spring Festival Evening for two successive years. In 2000, he was invited to attend the Sino-Korea Modern Music Festival in Seoul. During the two years of 2002 and 2003, he created a large number of music compositions, with extensive subjects and styles, inclusive of band music, chamber music, dance opera, music opera, and film and TV music, etc. Other major compositions include: The musical Mulan, to be first performed in late 2003 in Beijing; Symphonic choruses named A Heavenly Taibei, and Fortress Moon, played by China National Philharmonic, conducted by Mr. Li Xincao. And won the Golden Bell Prize of Ministry of Culture in 2002. Music for the advertising trailer for the EXPO 2010 Shanghai bid, and Beijing 2008 Olympic logo presentation. (Both directed by Mr. Zhang Yimou, in cooperation with Mr. Zhang Lei.) Music for the movies My Father, produced by Shanghai Film Cooperation. Music for TV series: Long Rope in Hand, Plain Life, Battling Men, Divorce Revelation, and Sentiments of Youth, etc.

  • 李岚松



  • 赵瑞林



  • 王振山



  • 苗建华



  • 曹海



  • 李凯



  • 张强



  • 黄予所属大学:广西师范学院
  • 吴开琪所属大学:广西民族大学
  • 欧阳恕所属大学:广西工业职业技术学院
  • 杨克斯所属大学:广西大学
  • 杨梅所属大学:广西大学
  • 文衍宣所属大学:广西大学
  • 范基骏所属大学:广西大学
  • 苏朗所属大学:广西大学
  • 李俚所属大学:广西大学