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所属大学: 中央音乐学院

所属院系: 管弦系

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无刘育熙的教学风格


姓名:刘育熙 性别:男 生日:1938年10月24日 学历:本科 职务:管弦系小提琴教授硕士研究生导师 职称:教授 机构:管弦系 电子邮件:lyuxi@ccom.edu.cn 电话:66425804 办公地址: 个人主页: 擅长的乐器: 刘育熙 中国著名小提琴演奏家,中央音乐学院教授。出身“刘氏三杰”艺术之家(伯父刘半农、刘天华、父亲刘北茂)。新中国培养的第一代小提琴家之一,1951年考进中央音乐学院少年班,1962年以全优成绩毕业于中央音乐学院并留校任教;1963年中央文艺单位小提琴选拔赛第一名,同年在全国首次小提琴大赛中获奖,七十年代末在学院大赛中获演奏、创作首奖。八十年代公派赴法留学期间为中国音乐家首开多项记录:法国国家电台向全欧洲播放了他的音乐会;登上法国最高音乐殿堂——香榭丽舍剧院举行独奏音乐会;法国卡西佩唱片公司为他录制两张CD,开创了亚洲音乐家在法录制唱片的记录。九十年代以来先后担任法国雅克 帝博国际小提琴大赛评委,在巴黎高等音乐学院、苏格烂皇家音乐学院等法英两国七所国家音乐学院大师班讲学、担任研究生考试评委,并在英、法、德、意、匈、奥地利、立陶宛、泰、日等国举行独奏音乐会八十余场,获空前成功,为中外文化交流作出重要贡献。法国音乐评论家赞扬他的演奏“朴实无华却又精雕细刻,准确地表达了西方音乐的内涵,并把西方音乐与中国音乐巧妙地结合起来,使他的才华得以充分发挥”,世界著名小琴家热拉尔 布莱教授称他是“最有才华的小提琴家之一”和“最有资格继承法国小提琴学派的传人”,德国评论家称“他的演奏架起了东西方文化的桥梁”,泰国报刊评论“从刘育熙的演奏使人们看到了二十一世纪东方小提琴艺术的曙光”。1998年,巴黎联合国教科文总部国际电台对他作了专题采访并向世界各国播出。2000年报10月,刘育熙首次访日巡演获巨大成功,广大日本听众对他的演奏好评如潮,评价他的演奏“充满真情,温暖如春,具有动人的艺术魅力”。2002年8月成功地在音乐之都维也纳和立陶宛首都维尔纽斯举行了中国音乐家的首演独奏会。多年来,在繁忙的教学之余,坚持中国小提琴艺术道路的开拓与探索并在全国各地举行题为《奉献》的独奏音乐会300余场,他的演奏与创作 学历 1957 中央音乐学院附属中等专科学校小提琴专业全优毕业生被报送升入本科。 1962 中央音乐学院管弦系大学本科小提琴专业第一名优秀毕业生。 1983-1986 中国文化部公派赴法国国立巴黎高等音乐学院访问学者。 Liu Yuxi, famous violinist of China and professor at Central Conservatory of Music(CCM), was born into a family that had already established its legacy in the music circle. His uncle, Liu Bannong and Liu Tianhua, along with his father, Liu Beimao were well known in China as “Three Talents of the Liu’s”. At his early age, Liu, played the violin, piano, and impressive assortment of Chinese instrument. He became a member of Children School of CCM in 1951. He got a position at CCM in 1963 after his graduation there with an excellent record. He won gold medal at the Violin Competition of the central art groups in 1963. With the support of government scholarship he went to France in 1983. He was the first Chinese musician whose solo concert in Concert Hall of Theatre des Champs—Elysees was broadcasted throughout Europe, whose recordings were made by the Cassiopee Company of France. After 1990 Liu served as a judge for the jaques Thibaud International Violin Competition and taught in seven England and France musical conservatories. He held more than 80 solo concerts successfully in Britian, France, Germany, Italy, Hungary, Austria,Lithuania, Thailand,Japanand so on and made great contribution to culture exchange between China and other countries. One critic of music from France praised, “Liu expresses the connotation of Western music with simplicity but exquisite refinement and articulation. He gives a full play of his talents through combining Chinese and Western music ingeniously.” Gerard Poulet, one of the most famous violinists in the world, said, “Liu, one of the most talented violinists across the world, is the most qualified heir of the French school of violin.” One German critic said, “Liu’s performance is a bridge between Eastern culture and Western civilization.” One Thailand newspaper commented, “People can see the dawn of Eastern violin art of the twenty-first century.” He was interviewed by UNESCO international Radio in 1998. His first performance in 2000 in Japan was very successful. The Japanese audience gave a high praise of his play skill. He held violin solo concert successfully in Vienna and Lithuania successively in 2002. In his spare time he held more than free concerts for the music fans in China. His contribution moves the audience across the whole country. One critic from Peking University said, "his performance combines the past and the present as well as Eastern culture and Western civilization. With excellent skill and character, he is the best represent of Chinese culture."He has been rewarded many time by Culture Department and Beijing Government. He got the best contribution reward at the 50th anniversary of the founding of CCM.

  • 李岚松



  • 赵瑞林



  • 王振山



  • 苗建华



  • 曹海



  • 李凯



  • 张强



  • 黄予所属大学:广西师范学院
  • 吴开琪所属大学:广西民族大学
  • 欧阳恕所属大学:广西工业职业技术学院
  • 杨克斯所属大学:广西大学
  • 杨梅所属大学:广西大学
  • 文衍宣所属大学:广西大学
  • 范基骏所属大学:广西大学
  • 苏朗所属大学:广西大学
  • 李俚所属大学:广西大学