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所属大学: 上海音乐学院

所属院系: 作曲系

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无陆培的教学风格


陆培,博士,作曲家。是许多国际、国内音乐比赛奖项的获奖者。 陆培的作品包括四部交响曲, 两部协奏曲, 三部弦乐四重奏, 中国十二生肖年管弦乐队系列作品, 套曲—“灵旗(包括八部室内乐, 乐队作品)”, 室内乐套曲—“变奏叙事曲(包括七部室内乐作品)”, 大型民族乐队作品五部(含三乐章交响曲一部), 大量室内乐作品(包括从独奏, 二重奏到八重奏, 各类奏鸣曲及室内乐队作品, 合唱作品等), 及若干舞剧音乐作品. 他的作品已被许多著名乐队及室内乐团所演奏, 如芝加哥, 明尼苏达, 马友友”丝绸之路项目(The Silk Road Project)”音乐会, 辛辛那提, 旧金山, 洛杉矶, 诺福克, 奥思考斯, 新加坡, 台湾等. 迄今为止,陆培的音乐已在欧洲,北美洲,亚洲及非洲等许多国家与地区如法国、意大利、荷兰、英国、比利时、加拿大、南非、日本、台湾、新加坡, 中国大陆, 台湾及香港等地演出。他的作品也在美国许多州和大城市如纽约、芝加哥、旧金山、洛杉矶、印地安那、密歇根、依利诺尔、密尼苏达、弗吉尼亚、阿拉斯加等巡回上演。 1995年陆培在美国路易维尔大学(University of Louisville)获得硕士学位; 2002年于密执安大学(University of Michigan—Ann Arbor)获得博士学位。从2003年起他担任了美国路易维尔大学(University of Louisville)的作曲教授。2006年起他受聘为上海音乐学院教授。 BIO of Lu Pei As an active composer, Lu's music has been performed by Minnesota Orchestra, Chicago Grant Park Orchestra, Norfolk Music Consort, Oshkosh Symphony Orchestra, Singapore Chinese Orchestra, among others; his music has appeared at some very important venues in the U.S. In 2002, one of his latest commissioned pieces was performed in Yo-Yo Ma's Silk Road Project concert series in Washington D.C. at the 36th Annual Smithsonsian Folklife Festival and at the Silk Road Project concerts at the Chicago Orchestral Center. Lu Pei's compositions have been appeared at the Fullerton Hall of the Art Institute of Chicago, Merkin Concert Hall of New York City, Green Lake Music Festival of Wisconsin, Minnesota Symphony Hall, Chicago Orchestral Center, Chicago Grant Park Music Festival at Jay Pritzker Pavilion in Millennium Park, as well as in Taiwan National Music Hall, and in Canada, in Singapore, etc. Lu Pei's music has been recorded by The Traditional CrossingRoad Music of New York City and New Dynamic Records, --Influence, released by the Indiana University Southeast Publisher. Lu Pei's are from Yo-Yo Ma's Silk Road Project, the institutions and ensembles such as the Chicago Institute of Arts, the Grant Park Orchestra of Chicago, Norfolk Music Consort of Virginia, the University of Wisconsin at Oshkosh, the Oshkosh Symphony Orchestra of Wisconsin, Amelia Piano Trio, Western Kentucky University, also from the members of San Francisco Symphony, Los Angeles Philharmonic, and the Chicago Symphony, as well as the institutions from Mainland-China, Singapore, Taiwan and Hong Kong; Mr. Lu Pei's music has already appeared in many countries and areas such as in France, Belgium, Canada, Chinese mainland, The Netherlands, Taiwan, Japan, Hong Kong, British, South Africa, Italy as well as in the U.S. Lu Pei gained his doctorate from the University of Michigan Ann Arbor. Before came to the U.S. in 1991 for his further study in composition, Mr. Lu had taught at Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Dr. Lu used to be a faculty member of the University of Louisville, lecture professor of Nanking Normal University. He is now an honorable professor of the Guangxi Institute of Arts. He has been appointed a full professorship at Shanghai Conservatory of Music, China.

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