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所属大学: 山西大学

所属院系: 物理电子工程学院

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无郭亚平的教学风格


郭亚平,男,1955年1月19日出生,山西大学生命科学与技术学院副教授。1979年毕业于山西大学生物系昆虫专业,并留校任教。曾于1985年至1987年在复旦大学生物工程系遗传学助教进修班学习,先后在协和医科大学、浙江大学、北京大学、复旦大学等重点院校进修分子生物学理论及实验技术。历任发育生物学、基因工程原理与技术、动物学、动物生理学等课程的教学工作。作为研究生导师已指导硕士研究生3名,并协助指导博士和硕士研究生20余名。多年来在蝗虫分子系统学和生态毒理学方面开展研究工作,发表研究论文76篇,获得省级科技进步奖励4项,承担国家级和省部级科研项目多项。 发表论文 [1] Zheng Xianyun, Zhong Yang, Duan Yihao, Li Chunxuan, Dang li, Guo Yaping, Ma Enbo. Genetic variation and population structure of Oriental Migratory Locust, Locusta migratoria manilenses in China by Allozyme, SSRP-PCR, and AFLP Markers. Biochemcial Genetics, 2006, 44(7-8).(SCI收录) [2] Yang Mei-Ling, Wu Hai-hua, Guo Ya-Ping, Ma En-Bo. Toxicological and biochemical characterizations of malathion sensitivity in two field populations of Oxya chinensis(Orthoptera: Acridoidea) Insect Science (2005) 13, 41-47 [3] Zhang Jianzhen, Zhang Min, Guo Yaping, Ma Enbo. Analysis on genetic relationship of Oxya chinensis and Oxya japonica from Xuzhou and Pingshan, China. Agricultural Sciences in China, 2006, 5(2):116-122 [4] Li Lijun, Liu Xuemei, Duan Yihao, Guo Yaping, Chen Bing, Guo Jun, Xi Yuying, Ma Enbo. Accumulation of cadmium and copper by female Oxya chinensis (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) in Soil-plant -insect system. Journal of Environmental Sciences 2006, 18(2):341-346 (SCI-E) [5] Li Lijun, Liu Xuemei, Guo Yaping, Ma Enbo. Activity of the enzymes of the antioxidative system in cadmium-treated Oxya chinensis (Orthoptera: Acridoidae) Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 2005, 20: 412-416 (SCI收录) [6] Li Li-Jun, Zhang Feng, Liu Xue-Mei, Guo Ya-Ping, Ma En-Bo. Oxidative stress related enzymes in response to chromium (Ⅵ) toxicity in Oxya chinensis (Orthoptera: Acridoidae). Journal of Environmental Sciences, 2005, 17 (5): 823-826 (SCI-E) [7] Liu Xin, Zhang Jian-Zhen, Ma En-Bo, Guo Ya-Ping. Studies on the phylogenetic relationship of acridoidea based on the male follicle morphology (Orthoptera: Acridoidea). Oriental Insects, 2005, 39:21-32 (SCI-E) [8] Wu Hai-Hua, Yang Mei-Ling, Guo Ya-Ping, Ma En-Bo. Comparisons of properties of acetylcholinesterase from two field-collected populations of Oxya chinensis Thunberg (Orthoptera: Acrididae) and the role of acetylcholinesterase in the susceptibility to malathion. Agricultural Sciences in China, 2005, 4(1):47-53 [9] 曹天文, 张敏, 张建珍, 郭亚平, 马恩波. 大紫蛱蝶三个地理种群的RAPD遗传多样性分析. 动物分类学报, 2005, 30(1):1-9 [10] Yang Mei-Ling, Wu Hai-hua, Guo Ya-Ping, Ma En-Bo. Characterization and comparison of general esterases from two field populations of the grasshopper Oxya chinensis (Thunberg) (Orthoptera: Acridoidea). Acta Entomologica Sinica, 2004, (5):579-585 [11] Wu Hai-Hua, Yang Mei-Ling, Guo Ya-Ping, Ma En-Bo. Comparative study of malathion toxicity and general esterases in larvae and adults from a field population of Oxya chinensis (Thunberg) (Orthoptera: acridoidea). Agricultural sciences in China, 2004, 3 (11):812-821 [12] LI Cui-Lan, DUAN Yi-Hao, LU Fu-Ping, GUO Ya-Ping, LI Chun-Xuan, MA En-Bo. Genetic differentiation among four populations of Chinese rices grasshopper Oxya chinensis in China. Acta Zoological Sinica, 2004, 50(2):187-192 [13] Ren Zhumei, Ma Enbo, Guo Yaping and Zhong Yang. A molecular phylogeny of Oxya (Orthoptera: Acridoidea) in China inferred from partial cytochrome b gene sequences. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 2004, 33:516-521 (SCI收录) [14] Li Chunxuan, Ma Enbo, Zheng Xianyuan, Guo Yaping. Genetic structure of four geographic populations of Locusta migratoria manilensis in China. Acta Entomologica Sinica, 2004, 47(1):73-79 [15] Ren Zhumei, Ma Enbo and Guo Yaping. Chromosome aberration assays for the study of Cyclophosphamide and Bacillus thuringiensis in Oxya chinensis (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Mutation. Research. 2002, 520(1-2): 141-150 (SCI收录) [16] Guo Yaping, Duan yihao Bai Guirong and Ma Enbo. Lack of chromosomal Polymorphism among Oxya chinensis population on different body sizes in China. 动物学报(专刊), 2001, 47:23-29 [17] Ma Enbo, Guo Yaping and Zheng Zhemin. Description of a new species on Caryanda and its chromosome C-banding karyotype. Oriental Insects, 2000, 34:331-340 (SCI-E) [18] Ma Enbo, Guo Yaping and Li Chunxuan. The genus Lemba with description of a new species from China. Oriental Insects, 1994, 28:97-101 (SCI-E) [19] Ma Enbo, Guo Yaping and Zheng Zhemin. Cytotaxonomic study of Oxya species in China. Entomologia Sinica, 1994, 1(2):101-109 [20] 马恩波, 郭亚平. 二刺羊角蚱染色体C带核型研究.昆虫学研究,1994,p113-117 [21] Ma Enbo, Guo Yaping and Zheng Zhemin. A new species of Oxya Audinet-Serville and its chromosomal C-bangding karyotype. Oriental Insects, 1993, 27:211-215 (SCI-E) [22] 马恩波, 郭亚平, 张彬. 九种蝗虫NOR定位及其细胞分类学意义. 山西大学学报, 1993, 16(2):217-222 [23] 马恩波, 郭亚平, 郑哲民. 斑腿蝗科10属NOR定位及其细胞分类学意义. 动物学研究, 1993, 14(3):271-276 科技奖励 1."杀虫剂与农业污染物对蝗虫的生态毒理学研究"2006年获得山西省自然科学二等奖 2."蝗虫系统进化与遗传学研究"2004年获得山西省自然科学二等奖 3."蝗虫染色体及分类学研究"2002年获得山西省科技进步二等奖 4."蝗总科部分种类染色体带型及系统进化研究"1995年获得山西省科技进步三等奖

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