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所属大学: 湖南大学

所属院系: 计算机与通信学院

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无廖波的教学风格


廖波 2009-04-23 职称:教授 学位:博士 邮箱: boliao@yeah.net 个人简历: 1999年9月-2001年7月 大连理工大学攻读硕士学位 2001年9月-2004年6月 大连理工大学攻读博士学位,获理学博士学位 2004年6月-2006年3月 中科院研究生院从事博士后研究工作 2005年4月 调入湖南大学计算机与通信学院,08年1月破格晋升为教授 研究方向: 智能与生物信息处理,系统生物学方法研究,计算分子生物学,DNA计算,生物识别技术及应用 主持或主研的项目: 国家自然科学基金: 数学方法在计算分子生物学中的应用 主持 中国博士后科学基金:数学方法在RNA二级结构中的应用 主持 湖南省自然科学基金:一种特征基因选择算法及其在血吸虫基因组分析中的应用 主持 湖南大学科学基金重点项目: 生物序列的图形表示及应用 主持 数理分子生物学: 中科院百人计划项目 子项目负责人 主研 湖南省人才计划项目:湖南省骨干青年教师 主持 湖南大学教改项目:《数值计算与最优化原理(含MATLAB)》课程建设 主持 湖南大学教材建设项目:《数值计算与最优化原理学习指导与习题解析》主持 参与的项目: 湖南省财政厅项目:生物序列的可视化方法及应用 湖南省自然科学基金:基于序列图形表示的功能基因分析算法研究 湖南省自然科学基金:基于聚类的基因功能预测方法 论文与著作: [1] Bo Liao, Tianming Wang, General Combinatorics of RNA Hairpins and Cloverleaves, J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci. 43 (4) (2003) 1138-1142. [2] Bo Liao, Tianming Wang, Analysis of similarity of DNA sequences based on 3D graphical representation, Chemical physics letters 388 (2004) 195-200. [3] Bo Liao, Tianming Wang, New 2D Graphical representation of DNA sequences, Journal of computational chemistry 259 (11) (2004) 1364-1368. [4] Bo Liao, Tianming Wang, General Combinatorics of RNA Secondary Structure, Mathematical Biosciences 191 (2004) 69-81. [5] Bo Liao, Tianming Wang, 3D graphical representation of DNA sequences and their numerical characterization, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 681 (2004) 209-212.? [6] Bo Liao, Tianming Wang, Analysis of similarity of DNA sequences based on triplets, J. Chem. Inf. Comput. Sci, 44 (2004) 1666-1670. [7] Bo Liao, Tianming Wang, Kequan Ding, On A Six-Dimensional Representation of RNA Secondary Structures, J. Biomol. Struc. Dynamics, 22 (2004) 455-464. [8] Bo Liao, On A 2D graphical representation of DNA sequence, Chemical Physic Letters, 401 (2005) 196-199. [9] Bo Liao, Mingshu Tan, Kequan Ding, A 4D representation of DNA sequences and its application, Chemical Physic Letters, 402 (2005) 380-383 [10] Bo Liao, Tianming Wang, Kequan Ding, On A Seven-Dimensional Representation of RNA Secondary Structures,Lecture Series on Compute and Computational Science, 1 (2004) 310-312. [11] Yusen Zhang, Bo Liao, Kequan Ding, On 2D graphical representation of DNA sequence of non-degeneracy, Chemical Physic Letters, 411 (2005) 28-32. [12] Bo Liao, Yusen Zhang, Kequan Ding, Analysis of similarity/dissimilarity of DNA sequences based on a condensed curve representation, Journal of Molecular Structure:: THEOCHEM, 717 (2005) 199-203. [13] Bo Liao, Tianming Wang, Largest common substructure of RNA structure, Internet Journal of Molecular Design, 3 (2004) 361-367. [14] Bo Liao, Kequan Ding, A Graphical Approach to analyzing DNA sequences, Journal of Computational Chemistry, 26 (2005) 1519-1523. [15] Wen Zhu, Bo Liao, Kequan Ding, A condensed 3D Graphical representation of RNA secondary structures, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM, 757 (2005) 193–198. [16] Bo Liao, MingshuTan, Kequan Ding, Application of 2D graphical representation of DNA sequence, Chemical Physic Letters, 414 (2005) 296–300. [17] Bo Liao, Tianming Wang, Kequan Ding, On a seven-dimensional representation of RNA secondary structures,Molecular Simulation, 31 (14) 2005 1063-1071. [18] Yuhua Yao, Bo Liao, Tianming Wang, A 2D graphical representation of RNA secondary structures and the analysis of similarity/dissimilarity based on it, Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 755 (2005) 131–136. [19] Bo Liao, Kequan Ding, A 3D graphical representation of DNA sequences and its application, Theoretical Computer Science 358 (2006) 56 - 64 [20] Jiawei Luo, Bo Liao, Renfa Li, Wen Zhu, RNA Secondary Structure 3D Graphical Representation Without Degeneracy, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 39 (2006) 629-636. [21] Bo Liao, Wen Zhu, Analysis of similarity/dissimilarity of DNA primary sequences based on condensed matrices and information entropies, Current Computer-Aided Drug Design, 2006, 2, 95-103. [22] Bo Liao, Jiawei Luo, Renfa Li, Wen Zhu, RNA Secondary structure 2D graphical representation without degeneracy, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 106 (8) (2006) ,1749-1755. [23] Bo Liao, Yanshu Liu, Renfa Li, Wen Zhu, Coronavirus phylogeny based on triplets of nucleic acids bases, Chemical Physic Letters,? 421(2006),313-318. [24] Bo Liao, Xuyu Xiang, Wen Zhu, Coronavirus phylogeny based on 2D graphical representation of DNA sequence, Journal of Computational Chemistry,27(11),2006,1196-1202. [25] Bo Liao, Xuyu Xiang, Renfa Li, Wen Zhu, On the similarity of DNA primary sequences based on 5D representation, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry, 42(1),2007, 47-57. [26] Weiping Wang, Bo Liao, Tianming Wang, A graphical method to construct phylogenetic tree, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry,106(9),1998-2006. [27] Bo Liao,Wen Zhu, Yang Liu, 3D graphical representation of DNA sequence without degeneracy and its applications in constructing phylogenic tree, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry,56(2006),209-216. [28] Bo Liao, Xinzhou Shan, Wen Zhu, Renfa Li, Phylogenetic tree construction based on 2D graphical representation, Chemical Physic Letters,422(1-3),282-288. [29] Bo Liao, Wen Zhu, Pengcheng Li,On a four-dimensional representation of RNA secondary structures, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry ,42(4),2007,1015-1022 [30] Yusen Zhang, Bo Liao, Kequan Ding, On 3DD-curves of DNA sequences, Molecular Simulation, 32(1),2006, 29–34. [31] Wen. Zhu, Bo Liao, Jiawei. Luo, Renfa. Li, Numerical Characterization and Similarity Analysis of Neurocan Gene, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry 57(1),. 2007,143-155. [32] Yusen Zhang, Wei Chen, Bo Liao, Xinbo Gong,A Method for Obtaining Integrable Couplings, Communications in Theoretical physics, 45(6),2006, 1000-1002. [33] Bo Liao, Jiawei Luo, Renfa Li, Wen Zhu, A novel method for analyzing proteome, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, 2007,107(6), 1295-1300. [34] Bo. Liao, Wen. Zhu, Jiawei. Luo, Renfa. Li: RNA Secondary Structure Mathematical Representation without Degeneracy, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry,57(3),2007,687-695. [35] Guohua Huang, Bo Liao, Wu Zhang, Fei Gong, A Novel Method for Sequence Alignment and Mutation Analysis, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 59(3),2008,635-645. [36] Bo Liao, Ceng Zeng, Fuqiang Li, Yong Tang, Analysis of Similarity/Dissimilarity of DNA Sequences Based on Dual Nucleotides, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 59(3),2008,647-652. [37] Weiyang Chen ,Bo Liao,Yanshu Liu, Wen Zhu, Zhizhong Su, A numerical representation of DNA sequence and its applications, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 60(2),2008,291-300 , [38] Zhi Cao, Bo Liao, Renfa Li, A group of 3D graphical representation of DNA sequences based on dual nucleotides, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry,2008,1485-1490. [39] Weiyang Chen, Bo Liao, Wen Zhu, Hao Liu, Qingguang Zeng,An ant colony pairwise alignment based on the dot plots,Journal of Computational Chemistry,Earlyview,2008, [40] Y. Li, G. Huang, B. Liao, Z. Liu: H-L Curve: A Novel 2-D Graphical Representation of Protein Sequences, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 61(2),2009,519-532 [41] Z. Liu , B. Liao, W. Zhu: A New Method to Analyze the Similarity Based on Dual Nucleotides of the DNA Sequence, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 61(2),2009,541-552 [42] W. Chen, B. Liao, X. Xiang, W. Zhu: An Improved Binary Representation of DNA Sequences and Its Applications, MATCH Communications in Mathematical and in Computer Chemistry, 61(3),2009 [43] Guohua Huang, Bo Liao, Yongfan Li, Zanbo Liu,H–L curve: A novel 2D graphical representation for DNA sequences,Chemical Physics Letters, Volume 462, Issues 1-3, 2008, Pages 129-132 [44] Zanbo Liu, Bo Liao, Wen Zhu, Guohua Huang, A 2-D graphical representation of DNA sequence based on dual nucleotides and its application, International Journal of Quantum Chemistry,2008 [45] Chunxin Yuan, Bo Liao, Tianming Wang, New 3D graphical representation of DNA sequences and their numerical characterization, Chemical Physic Letters 379 (2003) 412-417. [46] Bo Liao, Tianming Wang, A 3D Graphical representation of RNA secondary structure, J. Biomol. Struc. Dynamics 21 (6) (2004) 827-832. [47] 廖波,王天明,一类RNA二级结构的计数, 《应用数学》2(2002) 109-112 [48] 廖波,王天明,RNA 二级结构的最小自由能算法, 《生物数学学报》 18(3) 2003, 364-368 [49] 廖波,王天明,RNA 二级子结构的计数, 《生物数学学报》4(2004) [50] 袁春欣,廖波,王天明,mRNA 序列与蛋白序列的对比 , 《大连理工大学学报》6(44),2004,925-927(EI) [51] 白风兰, 廖波,王天明,拓扑指数在生物序列相似性比较中的应用,生物数学学报,2006,21(4),521-530 [52] 李鹏程,廖波,罗娟,吴迪,无线传感器网络中一种移动节点定位算法,小型微型计算机系统,2008 [53] 彭丽红,廖波,刘昊,基于蛋白质相互作用网络图的聚类方法,计算机工程与应用,2008 出版教材: 1. 主编 《数值计算与最优化原理-MATLAB实现》,北京邮电大学出版社出版,2007 2. 主编《数值计算与最优化方法学习指导与习题解析》,北京邮电大学出版社出版,2008 3. 参编 《ACM程序设计培训教程》,铁道出版社出版,2007

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