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所属大学: 大连理工大学

所属院系: 材料科学与工程学院

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无王轶农的教学风格


姓名:王轶农 办公室电话:0411-84708441 电子邮箱地址:wynmm@dlut.edu.cn 主要学历及工作经历: 1980-09至1984-07 燕山大学(原东北重型机械学院) 材料科学与工程系金属材料与热处理专业,获工学学士学位; 1987-09至1990-03 哈尔滨工业大学 材料科学与工程系材料学专业,工学硕士; 1990-02至1996-07 佳木斯大学材料学院 讲师/副教授; 1996-09至2000-02 东北大学 材料与冶金学院材料学专业,工学博士。 2000-03至 2002-01 大连理工大学材料工程系 博士后; 2002-02 至 2003-04 台湾中山大学材料科学研究所 博士后研究员; 2003-05 2006-02 大连理工大学材料工程系 副教授; 2006-02 至 2006-08 台湾中山大学材料科学研究所 博士后研究员; 2006-09 至今 大连理工大学 材料科学与工程学院 副教授; 2007-07 至今 大连理工大学 材料科学与工程学院 博士生导师。 主要学术及社会兼职: 中国机械工程学会会员 辽宁省电子显微镜学会理事 中国体视学会材料科学分会理事 研究领域(研究课题): 1.变形镁合金基面倾转织构形成机制与织构增韧,国家自然科学基金(50471069),2005-01至2007-12; 2.异步轧制镁合金织构特征与力学性能,辽宁省自然科学基金(20042159),2005-01至2007-12; 3.多场偶合马氏体相变及在新材料设计中的应用,国家自然科学基金重点项目(50531020),2005-01至2009-12; 4. Ni-Ti-Ta形状记忆合金相变与生物力学性能,国家自然科学基金(50171015),2003-01至2005-12; 指导硕、博士生研究方向: 1、金属材料的形变与再结晶织构及应用; 2、镁合金织构与塑性(超塑性)变形理论; 3、马氏体相变与形状记忆合金。 出版著作和论文: 1. Y.N. Wang, J.C. Huang, “The role of twinning and untwinning in yielding behavior in hor-extruded Mg-Al-Zn alloy”, Acta Mater., 2007, 55: 897-905. 2. Y.N. Wang, J.C. Huang, “Grain size dependence of yield strength in randomly textured Mg-Al-Zn alloy”, Materials Transactions, 2007, 48: 184-188. 3. Y.N. Wang, J.C. Huang, “Comparison of Grain Boundary Sliding in Fine Grained Mg And Al Alloys during Superplastic Deformation”, Scripta Mater., 48 (2003): 1117. 4. Y.N. Wang, J.C. Huang, “Texture Analysis in Hexagonal Materials (review)”, Mater. Chem. Phys, 81 (2003): 11. 5. Y.N. Wang, C.L. Lee, C.C. Huang, H.K. Lin and J.C. Huang, “Influence from Extrusion Parameters on High Strain Rate and Low Temperature Superplasticity of AZ Serious Mg-Based Alloys”, Mater. Sci. Fourm, 426-433 (2003): 2655. 6. Y.N. Wang, J.C. Huang, “Texture Characteristics and Anisotropic Superplasticity of AZ61 Magnesium Alloy”, Mater. Trans. JIM, 44 (2003): 2276.2281. 7. Y.N. Wang, J.C. Huang, “Transition of Dominant Diffusion Process During Superplastic Deformation in AZ61 Magnesium”, Metall. Mater. Trans., 35A (2004): 555. 8. Y.N. Wang, J.C. Huang, “SEM Investigation on Superplastic Deformation in Mg-AZ61 Alloy Sheet”, Materials Review, 18 (2004): 230. 9. Y.N. Wang and J.C. Huang, “Superplasticity Enhanced by Two-stage Deformation in a Hot-extruded AZ61 Alloy Magnesium Alloy”, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., Vol. 21, No. 1, 2005: 71-74. 10. Y.N. Wang and J.C. Huang, “Anisotropic Tensile Properties at room temperature and Elevated Temperature in Warm-extruded AZ61 Magnesium Alloy”, Materials Science Forum, Vols.495-497, 2005: 657-662. 11. Y.N. Wang, C.I. Chang, C.J. Lee, H.K. Lin and J.C. Huang, “Texture and week grain size dependence in friction stir processed Mg-Al-Zn alloy”, Scripta Mater., 2006, 55: 637-640. 12. C.I. Chang, Y.N. Wang, H.R. Pei, C.J. Lee, and J.C. Huang, “On the Hardening of Friction Stir Processed Mg-AZ31 Based Composites with 5-20% Nano-ZrO2 and Nano-SiO2 Particles” Materials Transactions, 2006, 47 (12): 2942-2949. 13. C. I. Chang, Y. N. Wang, H. R. Pei, C. J. Lee, X. H. Du, and J. C. Huang, “Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Nano-ZrO2 and Nano-SiO2 Particulate Reinforced AZ31-Mg Based Composites Fabricated by Friction Stir Processing”, Key Eng Mater., vol. 351, 2007, pp. 114-119. 14. GONG Chang-wei, WANG Yi-nong, YANG Da-zhi, “Microstructure and Transformation Behavior of Ni50Ti45Ta5 Shape Memory Alloy”, Trans. Nonferrous Met. Soc. China, 14(2004): 952. 15. Gong Chang-wei , Wang Yi-nong, Yang Da-zhi, “Microstructure and transformation behavior of Ni50Ti45Ta5 Shape memory alloy”,. Transaction Nonferrous Metals Society of China. 2004, 14(5): 952-956. 16. Changwei Gong, Yan Li, Yinong Wang, Dazhi Yang, “Ab initio study for electronic and crystal structure of NiTi R-phase”, Modeling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering,2006, 14: 33-39. 17. C.W. Gong, Y.N. Wang, D.Z. Yang, “Phase transformation and second phases in ternary Ni-Ti-Ta shape memory alloys”, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2006, 96(2-3): 183-187. 18. C.W. Gong, Y.N. Wang, D.Z. Yang, “Martensitic transformation of Ni50Ti45Ta5 shape memory alloy”. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2006, 419(1-2): 61-65. 19. Gong, CW, Wang, YN, Yang, DZ, “Ab initio study of the matensitic transformation of NiTi shape memory alloy”. Acta Physics Sinica, 2006, 55(6):2877-2881. 20. K.L Yang, J.C. Huang and Y.N. Wang, “Texture Evolution and Mechanical Anisotropy in Dual Phase Ti3Al Based Alloy Loaded at 700°C and 1000°C ”, Metall. Mater. Trans., 35A (2004): 3803. 21. K.L. Yang, J.C. Huang and Y.N. Wang, “Phase Transformation in b phase of Super a2 Ti3Al Base Alloys during Static Annealing and Superplastic Deformation at 700-1000°C ”, Acta Mater., 51 (2003): 2577-2594. 22. K.L. Yang, J.C. Huang and Y.N. Wang, “Phase Evolution and Mechanical Behavior of Super a2 Ti3Al Base Alloys during Superplastic Deformation at Lower Temperatures of 700-900°C” Key Eng. Mater., 233-236 (2003): 881. 23. S.H. WU, J.C. Huang, and Y.N. Wang, Evolution of Microstructure and Texture in Mg-Zn-Al Alloys during Electron-Beam and Gas Tungsten Arc Welding, Metall. Mater. Trans., 35 (2004): 2455-2469. 24. Cai YX, Liu YD, Wang YN, et al. “Analysis of texture formation and microstructure characteristics of cold rolled IF steel sheets”, MATERIALS SCIENCE FORUM 495-497: 411-415 Part 1&2 2005. 25. Wu BL, Shi AH, Zhang YD, Wang YN, et al. “The influence of texture and GBCD on stress corrosion and intergranular corrosion in 2024 aluminum alloy”, SOLID STATE PHENOMENA 105: 181-186 2005. 26. C.S. He, Y.D. Zhang, Y.N. Wang, X. Zhao, L. Zuo, C. Esling, “Texture and microstructure development in cold-rolled interstitial free (IF) steel sheet during electric field annealing”, Scripta Mater., 48 (2003): 737. SCI收录论文 26 篇,被引用 60 次,其中他引 28 次。 科研成果及所受奖励: 中国机械工业科学技术发明一等奖, “镁合金激光-氩弧复合热源焊接新工艺”, 2005年(0509015)。 在读硕士、博士人数: 4 已毕业硕士博士人数: 1 以上资料最后修改时间: 2008-3-28

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