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所属大学: 大连理工大学

所属院系: 应用数学系

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无南基洙的教学风格


姓名:南基洙 办公室电话:84708351-8131 电子邮箱地址:jznan@163.com 主要学历及工作经历: 1987年7月毕业于东北师范大学数学系; 1987年7月至1997年11月在解放军农牧大学工作,历任助教、讲师; 1992年7月毕业于东北师范大学数学系,获理学硕士学位; 1997年7月毕业于哈尔滨工业大学数学系,获理学博士学位; 1997年11月至2000年3月,在吉林大学数学研究所从事博士后研究工作; 1997年至2004年在东北师范大学数学系工作,历任讲师、副教授和教授(博导); 现在大连理工大学数学科学学院工作,教授(博导). 主要学术及社会兼职: 中国高等教育学会教育数学专业委员会常务理事; 欧洲数学会会员,Z.Math.,评论员. 研究领域(研究课题): 群的不变式理论、典型群和代数K-理论、矩阵几何学、编码学和实验设计. 指导硕、博士生研究方向: 代数学及其应用 出版著作和论文: 发表的代表性论文 1.Nan Jizhu,Zhao Jing, Classification of the finite reflection groups over,Advances in Applied Mathematics,2009,to appear. 2.Jizhu Nan,Jun Guo,New error-correcting pooling designs associated with finite vector spaces,J. Comb. Optim.,2009,to appear. 3.Jizhu Nan,Jun Guo, Lattices generated by two orbits of subspaces under finite singular classical groups, Comm.Algebra, 2009,to appear. 4.Jun Guo,Jizhu Nan, Lattices generated by orbits of flats under finite affine- symplectic groups, Lin.Alg.Appl.,2009,to appear. 5.Jizhu Nan,Jing Zhao, A non-classical construction of BN-pairs, J.Group Theory,2009,to appear. 6.Jizhu Nan,Yufang Qin, Structure of Unitary Groups over Finite Group Rings and Its Application, Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal,2009,to appear. 7.Jizhu Nan,Yufang Qin, On Invariants of Some Maximal Subgroups of Finite Classical Groups, Algebra Colloquium,2009,to appear. 8.Nan Jizhu,Chen Yin, Rational Invariants of Certain Classical Similitude Groups over Finite Fields, Indiana University Mathematics Journal,57, No.4, 1947-1958,2008. 9.Nan Jizhu,Chen Yin, Rational Invariants of Certain Classical Groups over Finite Fields, Front Math.China, 3(4),555-562,2008. 10.Zhao Huifang,Nan Jizhu,Using Normal Form of Idempotent Matrices over to Construct Cartesian Authentication codes,Northeast.Math. J.,2,123-131,2007. 11.Nan Jizhu,You Hong, Products of Involutions in Steinberg Group over Skew Fields, Chinese Ann.Math.,(B),2,253-264,2007. 12.Fu Zhiguo,Nan Jizhu, The length of the element of maximal length in the Coxeter system, Northeast.Math.J.,4,395-403,2006. 13.Liu Yan,Nan Jizhu, Some Anzahl Theorems in Symmetric Matrices Over Finite Local Rings (I), J.Mathematical Research & Exposition,3,423-439,2006. 14.吴炎,南基洙, 环 上 阶交错矩阵的计数定理及其应用, 数学物理学报, 3, 319-328,2004. 15.Nan Jizhu, Tian Zide, The -groups over finite commutative rings, Northeast. Math.J.,18(2),99-102,2002. 16.南基洙,游宏, 利用有限域上非零向量的道路图结构与内积构作结合方案(Ⅱ),数学物理学报, 21卷(1),14-22,2001. 17.Nan Jizhu,You Hong, The conjugacy classes of fixed point free element in GLn(F) and SLn(F), Lin.Alg.Appl.,305, 161-171,2000. 18.Nan Jizhu, Decomposition of Steinberg group over local ring into involutions, Bulletin of The Australian Mathematical Society, Vol.61,97-107, 2000. 19.Hong You,Jizhu Nan, The Conjugacy Classes of Fixed Point Free Elemenes of Order p or 2p in GLn(F)and SLn(F),Communications in Algebra, 27(5), 2243-2252, 1999. 20.南基洙,游宏,利用有限域上非零向量的道路图结构与内积构作结合方案,应用数学,12卷,2期:121-128,1999. 21.Zhang Yongzheng,Nan Jizhu, Finite dimensional Lie superalgebras W(m,n,t) and S(m,n,t) of Cartan type, Advances in Mathematics, 27(3),240-246,1998. 22.Nan Jizhu, You Hong,The Conjugacy Classes of Fixed Point Free Elemenes of Order pm in GLn(F)and SLn(F),GROUP THEORY,E-fang Wang and Jiping Zhang(Eds), Springer-Verlag,106-119,1998. 23.You Hong,Nan Ji Zhu, Using normal form of matrices over finite fields to construct Cartesian Authentication Codes, J.Mathematical Research & Exposition, 18(3):341-346,1998. 24.游宏,南基洙,Steinberg群的对和分解,科学通报,42卷,2272-2275,1997. 24*.You Hong and Nan Jizhu, Decomposition of Steinberg group into involutions, Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol.42(24), 2061-2064,1997. 25.南基洙,利用有限局部环Z/PZ上的2阶交错矩阵构作多个结合类的结合方案, 数学研究与评论, 06,No.1,1997. 26.Nan Jizhu,Zhang Yongzheng, Products of nilpotent matrices over skew fields, Northeast. Math. J., 12(3),299-306,1996. 27.Nan JizhuZhang Yongzheng, The triangular factorization for elements of φ—surjective rings, J.Math.Res.Exposition, 16(1996), No. 2,173--178. 28.You Hong and Nan Jizhu, Some anzahl theorems in vector space over Z/pkZ, Acta Math.Scientia,16(1), 81-89,1996. 29.游宏,南基洙,利用Z/PZ上矩阵构作多个结合类的结合方案与PBIB设计,应用数学学报, No.3:418,1996. 30.南基洙,极空间的注记,数学的实践与认识,No.2:48,1996. 31.南基洙,高锁钢,有限局部环Z/PZ上辛几何中计数定理,数学杂志,No,2:314,1996. 32.Nan Ji Zhu,Zhang Yong Zheng, A factorization theorem for matrices over a local ring. Northeast. Math. J.,No.3,377--381,1994. 33.You Hong,Nan Ji Zhu,Decomposition of matrices into 2-involutions, Lin.Alg.Appl.,186,235-253,1993. 出版的教材 1.南基洙,初等数论,中央广播电视大学出版社,2002. 2.南基洙,大学数学文化,大连理工大学出版社,2008. 3.南基洙,组合数学,高等教育出版社,2008. 4.南基洙,域和Galois理论,科学出版社,2009. 科研成果及所受奖励: 宝钢教育基金优秀教师奖,2007. 在读硕士、博士人数: 在读博士研究生:5人,硕士研究生:5 以上资料最后修改时间: 2009-3-19

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  • 文衍宣所属大学:广西大学
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