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所属大学: 重庆师范大学

所属院系: 生命科学学院

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无陈斌的教学风格


陈斌,男, 45 岁,博士,教授,博士生导师,重庆师范大学生命科学学院院长。重庆高校动物学巴渝学者特聘教授,重庆市动物学市级学术技术带头人,重庆高校生物活性物质工程研究中心主任,重庆高校动物科学教学团队带头人,重庆高校动物科学创新团队进化和发育生物学方向领衔教授,重庆高校动物生物学重点实验室进化和发育生物学方向领衔教授。中国昆虫学会常务理事,中国细胞生物学会理事。重庆师范大学昆虫与分子生物学研究所所长、生化和分子生物学重点学科学术带头人、生化和分子生物学硕士点领衔导师。 1983 、 1986 和 1995 年分别获西南大学农学学士,农学硕士和理学博士学位。 1995-1998 年在西北农林科技大学做博士后。 1996-2007 年先后在以色列农业研究组织和香港大学生态及生物多样性系做博士后研究员、在英国利兹大学生物学学院做 Wellcome Trust 国际研究员、在日本东京大学农业及生命科学学院做客座教授、在美国纽约州立大学和耶鲁大学生命科学学院作研究科学家十一年。 长期从事昆虫学、动物学、 分子生物学 、基因工程、生物信息学的教学和 科研工作。先后主持美国国家科学基金、日本文部省客座教授基金、英国 Wellcome Trust 基金、国家自然科学基金等省部级以上课题 10 项,主研 14 项。 已发表论文 77 篇 , 著作 6 部。其中, SCI 论文 30 余篇, A 类 18 篇(含国际会议论文 10 篇),国家一级学报 17 篇(其中英文撰写 7 篇)。 SCI 论文影响因子> 1 的 15 篇,累计影响因子 55.85 ,第一作者 10 篇 , 通讯作者 11 篇。待发表 SCI 论文 6 篇,累计影响因子 72.09 。已递交到 GenBank 的氨基酸序列 149 个,蛋白质序列 105 个。 曾获农业部部级科技进步一等奖、国家成果完成者证书 。 参加国际学术会议 16 次 。 是 Insect Molecular Biology , Molecular Biology Reports , Gene , Genomics , Journal of Insect Physiology 等 11 个国际著名学术刊物论文评审。是国家自然科学基金面上项目和重点项目的评审。 联系电话: 023-65362652 (办公室), 15922779192 (手机); 传真: 023-65362775 ; E-Mail : c_bin@hotmail.com 。 主要论著( * 通讯作者 ) : ? Liu, F., Yin, H.W., Dong, B.Q., Qing, Y.H., Zhao, L., Meyer, S., Liu, X.H., Jian, Z. and Chen, B . (2008) Inconspicuous structural coloration in the elytra of beetles Chlorophila obscuripennis (Coleoptera). Physical Review E 77: Article 012901. (SCI, IF 2.438) ? Kayukawa, T.*, Chen, B. , Hoshizaki, S. and Ishikawa, Y. (2008) Erratum to “Upregulation of a desaturase is associated with the enhancement of cold hardiness in the onion maggot, Delia antiqua ”. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , 38: 374-376. (SCI, IF 2.733) ? Golden, K., Saji, V., Markwarth, N., Chen, B. and Monteiro, A.* (2007) In vivo electroporation of DNA into the wing epidermis of a butterfly. Journal of Insect Science , 7 : Article 53. ? Kayukawa, T.*, Chen, B. , Hoshizaki, S. and Ishikawa, Y. (2007) Upregulation of a desaturase is associated with the enhancement of cold hardiness in the onion maggot, Delia antiqua . Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , 37: 1160-1167. (SCI, IF 2.733) ? Chen, B.* and Monteiro, A. (2007) Heritable and inducible RNA interference and ectopic expression: a new system for functional genetics. Entomological Research , 37(Suppl.): A108-109. ? Chen, B.* and Monteiro, A. (2007) Comparative genomics and evolution of the Distal-less homeobox genes of Arthropoda. Entomological Research , 37(Suppl.): A98-99. ? Chen, B.* , Monteiro, A., Kayukawa, T. and Ishikawa, Y. (2007) Molecular analysis of diapause and thermal-stress response in the onion maggot, Delia antiqua . Entomological Research , 37(Suppl.): A19-20. ? Chen, B.* , Harbach, R.E., Walton, C. and Butlin, R.K. (2007) Molecular systematics and population genetics of the Minimus group of mosquitoes in China and its adjacent regions. Entomological Research , 37(Suppl.): A99-100. ? Monteiro, A.*, Chen, B ., Scott, L., Vedder, L., Prijs, J.H., Belicha, A. and Brakefield, P.M. (2007) The epistatic effect of two mutations that alter serially homologous color pattern elements on the fore and hindwings of a butterfly. BMC Genetics , 8: Article 22, 10pp. (SCI, IF 1.77) ? Monteiro, A .*, Chen, B. , Ramos, D. , Kamal, F. , Glaser, G. and Stockslager, S. (2007) Testing the role of candidate genes in butterfly eyespot development using transgenics . Journal of Insect Science , 7: Article 29. (SCI). ? Walton, C.*, Somboon, P., Harbach, R.E., Zhang, S., Weerasinghe, I., O'loughlin, S.M., Phompida, S., Sochantha, T., Tun-Lin, W., Chen, B. and Butlin, R.K. (2007) Molecular identification of mosquito species in the Anopheles annularis group in southern Asia., Medical and Veterinary Entomology , 21(1): 30-35. (SCI, IF 1.488) ? Walton, C.*, Somboon, P., O'Loughlin, S.M., Zhang, S., Harbach, R.E., Linton, Y.-M., Chen, B. , Nolan, K., Duong, S., Fong, M.-Y., Vythilingum, I., Mohammed, Z.D., Trung, H.D. and Butlin, R.K. (2007) Genetic diversity and molecular identification of mosquito species in the Anopheles maculatus group using the ITS2 region of rDNA. Infection Genetics and Evolution , 7 (1): 93-102. (SCI) ? Chen, B.* , Kayukawa, T., Monteiro, A. and Ishikawa Y. (2006) Cloning and characterization of the HSP70 gene, and its expression in response to diapauses and thermal stress in the onion maggot, Delia antiqua . Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , 39: 749-758. (SCI, IF 1.548) ? Huang, J.H, Zhou, S.Y. and Chen, B. * (2006) Review of Chinese species of the genus Embrikstrandia Plavilstshikov, 1931 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Cerambycinae) with description of a new species. Zootaxa , 1340: 57-68. (SCI, IF 0.448) ? He, Z.B, Cao, Y.Q., Yin, Y.P., Wang, Z.K., Chen, B. , Peng, G.X., Xia, Y.X.* (2006) Role of hunchback in segment patterning of Locusta migratoria manilensis revealed by parental RNAi. Development Growth & Differentiation , 48: 439-445. (SCI, IF 1.621) ? Chen, B.* , Zhong, D. and Monteiro, A. (2006) Comparative genomics and evolution of the HSP90 family of genes across all kingdoms of organisms. BMC Genomics , 7: Article 156, 19+8 pp. (Highly accessed) (SCI, IF 4.092) ? Chen, B. , Butlin, R.K., Petro, P.M., Wang, X.Z. and Harbach, R.E.* (2006) Molecular variation, systematics and distribution of the Anopheles fluviatilis complex (Diptera: Culicidae) in southern Asia . Medical and Veterinary Entomology , 20: 33-43 . (SCI, IF 1.488) ? Miyazaki , S., Kayukawa, T., Chen, B. , Nomura, M. and Ishikawa, Y.* (2006) Enhancement of cold hardiness by acclimation occurs stage-specifically in the non-diapausing pupae of onion maggot Delia antiqua . European Journal of Entomology , 103: 691-694. (SCI, IF 0.745) ? Harbach, R.E.*, Parkin, E., Chen, B. and Butlin, R.K. (2006) Anopheles ( Cellia ) minimus theobald (Diptera: Culicidae): neotype designation, characterization, and systematics. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington , 108 : 198-209. (SCI, IF 0.333) ? Chen, B. and Monteiro, A. (2006) Comparative genomics and evolution of the HSP90 family of genes across all kingdoms of organisms. Proceeding of Eastern Great Lakes Molecular Evolution Meeting , pp7-8. Buffalo , USA , May 6, 2006. ? 陈 斌 (2006) 中日英美研究生教育的比较和评析。重庆高教, 1 ( 1 ): 71-73 , 47 。 ? Chen, B.* , William, H.P., Gui, L.M., Bruford, E. and Monteiro, A. (2005) The HSP90 family of genes in the human genome: insights into their divergence and evolution. Genomics , 86: 627-637. (SCI, IF 3.840) ? Chen. B.* , Kayukawa, T., Jiang, H.B., Monteiro, A. , Hoshizaki, S. and Ishikawa, Y. (2005) DaTrypsin , a novel clip-domain serine proteinase gene upregulated during winter and summer diapauses of the onion maggot, Delia antiqu a . Gene , 347: 115-123. (SCI, IF 3.041) ? Chen. B.* , Kayukawa, T., Monteiro, A. and Ishikawa, Y. (2005) The expression of the HSP90 gene in response to winter and summer diapauses and thermal-stress in the onion maggot, Delia antiqua . Insect Molecular Biology , 14: 697-702. (SCI, IF 2.890) ? Kayukawa, T. , Chen, B. , Miyazaki, S., Itoyama, K., Shinoda, T. and Ishikawa, Y.* (2005) Expression of messenger ribonucleic acid for the t-complex polypeptide-1, a subunit of chaperonin CCT, is upregulated in association with increased cold hardiness in Delia antiqua . Cell Stress & Chaperones , 10: 204-210. (SCI, IF 2.916) ? Chen, B. , Harbach, R.E. and Butlin, R.K.* (2004) Genetic variation and population structure of the mosquito Anopheles jeyporiensis in southern China . Molecular Ecology , 13: 3051-3056. (SCI, IF 4.375) ? 黄建华 , 陈 斌 , 周善义 (2004) 湖南省细胸蚁属一新种 ( 膜翅目 : 蚁科 ) 。动物分类学报 , 29(4): 766-768. ? 黄建华, 陈 斌 ,周善义 (2004) 蚁科昆虫分子系统学研究进展。广西师范大学学报 ( 自然科学版 ), 22(3): 91-96. ? 陈 斌 , 朱玉香( 2004 )《梵净山景观昆虫》— 鞘翅目:伪叶甲科。贵州省科学技术出版社。 ? 陈 斌 ( 2004 )《福建昆虫志》第六卷 — 鞘翅目:伪叶甲科。福建省科学技术出版社。 ? Chen, B.* , Butlin, R.K. and Harbach, R.E. (2003) Molecular phylogenetics of the Oriental members of the Myzomyia Series of Anopheles subgenus Cellia (Diptera: Culicidae) inferred from nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences. Systematic Entomology , 27: 57-69. (SCI, IF 1.889) ? Du, X.C., Shi, F.M. and Chen, B. (2003) Spermatozoon ultrastructure in Mecopoda nipponensis (Orthoptera: Tettigonioidea, Mecopodidae). Acta Entomologia Sinica , 46(3): 397-400. ? 杜喜翠,石福明, 陈斌 ( 2003 )两种草螽精子超微结构比较研究(直翅目,螽斯总科)。动物分类学报, 28 ( 3 ): 388-392 。 ? 朱玉香, 陈 斌 ( 2003 )中国刻胸伪叶甲属一新种记述(鞘翅目:伪叶甲科)。昆虫分类学报, 25(2): 185 - 186 。 ? 徐光勇, 陈 斌 ,吴蔚文,刘彦群,鲁 成 (2003) 天牛干标本 DNA 的提取及其 RAPD-PCR 扩增反应。西南农业大学学报, 25(2): 1-5. ? 吴蔚文, 陈 斌 (2003) 光肩星天牛种组昆虫的研究现状和展望。昆虫知识, 40(1): 19-24. ? Chen, B.* , Harbach, R.E. and Butlin, R.K. (2002) Molecular and morphological studies on the Anopheles minimus group of mosquitoes in southern China : taxonomic review, distribution and malaria vector status. Medical and Veterinary Entomology , 16: 253-265. (SCI, IF 1.488) ? Choochote , W., Rongsriyam, Y., Leemingsawat, S., Jitpakdi, A., Komalamisra, N., Surathin, K., Somboon, P. , Chen, B. , Wongkamchai, S., Jariyapan, N., Tippawangkosol, P., Pitasawat, B. and Riyong, D. (2002) Intraspecific hybridization of Anopheles minimus (Diptera: Culicidae) species A and C in Thailand . Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health , 33 (supplement 3): 23-28. (SCI) ? Chen, B. , Butlin, R.K. and Harbach, R.E. (2002) Molecular systematics and population genetics of malaria vectors in the Minimus group in southern China . Proceeding of European Population Genetics Congress , p.136-138. Leeds , 2-5 January 2002. ? 陈 斌 ,李隆术 (2002) 储藏物害虫生物性防治技术研究现状和展望。 植物保护学报 , 29(4): 272-278. ? Chen, B.* and Xia, X.H. (2001) The genus Schevodera Borchmann: phylogeny and historic biogeography, with description of a new species (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae: Lagriinae). Oriental Insects , 35: 3-27. (SCI, IF 0.288) ? Chen, B. , Butlin, R.K. and Harbach, R.E. (2001) Molecular systematics and population genetics of the mosquitoes in the Minimus Group (Diptera: Culicidae). Proceeding of Evolutionary Ecology Meeting , p.6-8. Sheffield , 21 May 2001. ? Chen, B. (2001) Molecular systematics and population genetics of mosquitoes in the Anopheles minimus Group. Proceeding of 2001 Wellcome International Fellows' Conference , pp.26-29. London , 21-22 January. ? 陈 斌 ( 2001 )《中国昆虫名录》 — 鞘翅目:伪叶甲科,拟步甲科。河南省科学技术出版社。 ? Kostyukovsky, M.*, Chen, B. , Atsmi, S. and Shaaya, E. (2000) Biological activity of two juvenoids and two ecdysteroids against three stored product insects. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , 30: 891-897. (SCI, IF 2.733) ? 陈 斌 ( 2000 )《湖北省昆虫名录》 — 鞘翅目:金龟子总科,伪叶甲科。河北省科学技术出版社。 ? Chen, B. , Shaaya, E. and Kostyukovsky, M. (1999) Biological activity of four growth regulators against Tribolium castaneum , Rhyzopertha dominica and Sitophilus oryzae . Proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection , pp. 926-932. Beijing , China 1998. ? Chen, B. , Shaaya, E. and Kostyukovsky, M. (1999) The combined efficacy of malathion and bifenthrin for the control of Rhyzopertha.dominica , Sitophilus oryzae and Tribolium castaneum . Proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection , pp. 875-979. Beijing , China 1998. ? Shaaya, E., Kostyukovsky, M. and Chen, B. (1999) Alternatives to methyl bromide for the control of insects attacking stored products and cut flowers. Proceedings of the 7th International Working Conference on Stored Product Protection , pp. 526-530. Beijing , China 1998. ? 韩群鑫 , 陈杰林,黄同陵, 陈 斌 (1999) 丹皮、泽泻混和物对黄粉虫幼虫生长发育和体内淀粉酶的影响。仲恺农学院学报, 12(1): 7-12 。 ? Li, L.S. and Chen, B.* (1998) Influence of temperature and controlled atmosphere on development and reproduction of the moldmite Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Acari: Acaridae). Systematic and Applied Acarology , 3: 113-120. ? Chen, B. (1998) Pictorial handbook of Chinese rare and precious insects ---- Cerambycidae and Lagriidae. Chinese Forestry Press , Beijing . ? Merkl, O.* and Chen, B. (1997) A review of the genus Mimoborchmannia Pic (Coleoptera, Tenebrionidae: Lagriini). Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae , 43: 111-119. (SCI, IF 0.113) ? Shaaya, E., Kostjukovsky, M. and Chen, B. (1997) Phyto-oils as alternatives to methyl bromide for the control of insects attacking stored products and cut flowers. Annual International Research Conference on Methyl Bromide Alternatives and Emissions Reductions , pp.56-58. San Diego , USA 1997. ? Chen, B. (1997) Two new genera and two new species from China (Coleoptera: Lagriidae). Entomologia Sinica , 4: 306-311. (SCI) ? Chen, B. and Yang, X.K. (1997) Study of the genus Donaciolagria Pic from China (Coleoptera: Lagriidae). Entomologia Sinica , 4: 121-128. (SCI) ? Chen, B. and Yang, X.K. (1997) Three new species and key to species of the genus Arthromacra Kirby from China (Coleoptera, Lagriidae). Entomologia Sinica , 4: 1-8. (SCI) ? Chen, B. and Lan, B. (1997) Two new species of the genus Triangulomias Chen (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). Entomotaxonomia , 19: 25-28. ? 陈 斌 (1997) 《长江三峡库区昆虫》 — — 伪叶甲科。重庆出版社 , pp.741-753 。 ? Chen, B. and Chou, I. (1996) A new subgenus and two new species of the genus Cerogria Borchmann from China (Coleoptera: Lagriidae). Entomotaxonomia , 18: 265-269. ? Chen, B. and Yuan, F. (1996) A new genus and two new species from China (Coleoptera: Lagriidae). Entomotaxonomia , 18: 183-187. ? 蒋书楠, 陈 斌 ( 1996 ) 中国音天牛属两新种。昆虫分类学报 , 18(2) : 109-112 。 ? 郑哲民, 陈 斌 ( 1996 ) 西藏网翅蝗科两新种。湖北大学学报 ( 自然科学版 ), 17(3): 315-318 。 ? 陈 斌 ,兰景华,张 键 ( 1994 ) 四川四面山金龟子总科区系分析及其垂直分布。西南师范大学学报 ( 自然科学版 ), 19(3) : 298-304 。 ? 陈 斌 ,吴蔚文,蒋书楠 ( 1993 ) 水稻 — 二化螟系统模型研究。 生态学报 , 13(2): 177-184 。 ? 陈 斌 ,吴蔚文,蒋书楠 ( 1993 )二化螟为害水稻产量损失预测模型研究。植物保护学报 , 20(1): 1-6 。 ? 梁映鸿, 陈 斌 ( 1993 ) 粘虫生物学特性及生命表研究。西南师范大学学报 ( 自然科学 ), 18(3) : 358-362 。 ? Chen, B. and Wu, W.W. (1992) On the Chilo suppressalis damage modeling. X IX International Congress of Entomology , P.169. Beijing , China 1992. ? Chen, B. and Wu, W.W. (1992) Relationship among rice yield and its component factors under the condition of stemborer damage. XIX International Congress of Entomology , p.181. Beijing , China 1992. ? 陈 斌 ,吴蔚文,蒋书楠 (1992) 模拟螟害对水稻产量影响的研究。植物保护学报, 19(4): 309-315 。 ? 陈 斌 ,吴蔚文 ( 1992) 螟害条件下水稻产量构成因素研究。 农业现代化研究, 13(2): 110-112, 69 。 ? 吴蔚文, 陈 斌 ,蒋书楠 ( 1991) 水稻和二化螟系统优化管理模型研究。 西南农业大学学报, 13(6): 546-568 。 ? 陈 斌 (1989) 星天牛属的数值分类研究初探。动物分类学报, 14(1): 96-103 。 ? 陈 斌 (1989) 黄斑星天牛和光肩星天牛的数值分类研究。昆虫学报, 32(3): 341-349 。 ? 陈 斌 (1988) 一个新兴的学科 — — 数值分类学。昆虫知识, 25: 314-318. ? 陈 斌 (1988) 生物系统学的方法论 —— 浅谈三大生物系统学派。昆虫知识, 25: 55-58. ? 陈 斌 ,吴蔚文 (1986) 天牛科雄性外生殖器的数值分类研究。西南农业大学学报, 8(3): 15-21

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