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所属大学: 信阳师范学院

所属院系: 数学与信息科学学院

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无宋新宇的教学风格


宋新宇,男,1961年12月,博士(后),教授,硕士生导师,主要研究方向: 主要从事非线性微分方程及生物动力系统研究,研究领域包括时滞微分方程、脉冲微分方程及应用,种群生态与流行病动力学系统等。主讲过的主要课程:常微分方程,微分方程稳定性理论,动力系统的定性与分支理论,数学生态学模型与研究方法等。 一. 个人简历 1980年9月--1984年6月 在信阳师范学院数学系学习; 1988年9月--1991年6 月 在大连理工大学数学系攻读硕士学位; 1998年9月--2001年6月 在中国科学院数学研究所攻读博士学位; 2003年1月--2004年1 月 以色列Bar-Ilan University 从事博士后研究; 1995年晋升为副教授,2001年晋升为教授;2004年4月被评为校级特聘教授;2005年10月被评为省级特聘教授。先后被评为河南省优秀中青年骨干教师,河南省跨世纪学术与技术带头人培养对象,全国优秀教师, 曾获中国科学院优秀博士生奖,中国科学院华为奖学金一等奖,河南省留学回国人员成就奖,河南省留学回国人员先进个人奖;现任中国生物数学学会常务理事,《生物数学学报》常务编委,国际杂志《International Journal of Biomathematics》编委; 美国《数学评论》和德国《数学文摘》评论员; 国家自然科学基金同行评议专家组成员。 二. 科研项目:承担省级以上科研项目15项,主要项目有: (1)、变系数扩散Lotka-Volterra微分系统的渐近性态, 国家自然科学基金(No.19671084), 主要参加者,1997.1-1999.12 (2)、种群动力系统的时空效应, 国家自然科学基金(No.10171106),主要参加者,2002.1-2004.12 (3)、环境管理与流行病控制模型的研究, 河南高校杰出科研人才创新工程项目(No.2005KYCX017), 项目主持人2005.1-2007.12 (4)、脉冲生物动力系统的稳定性和周期解, 国家自然科学基金(No.10471117),项目主持人,2005.1-2007.12 (5)、脉冲生物动力系统的稳定性和周期解, 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金资助项目,项目主持人,2005.1-2007.12 (6)、状态脉冲及脉冲微分方程边值问题研究与应用, 国家自然科学基金(No.10771179),项目主持人,2008.1-2010.12 三. 主要论著论文 出版和发表的主要论著有: 专 著: (1) 《数学生态学模型与研究方法》,四川科技出版社, 2003 (2) 《数学生物学进展》,科学出版社, 2005 教学参考书:《考研数学精解》,华中理工大学出版社, 1999 论 文: 公开发表论文80多篇,其中在SCI期刊发表论文43篇; 被国外SCI论文引用情况(2007年10月检索结果): 源文献13篇,被引用次数111次,其中他引86次。主要论文有: (1) 宋新宇,陈秀东, 一类生化反应数学模型分析, 生物数学学报, 7(3), 1992 (2) 宋新宇,武津刚, 一类生化反应数学模型分析(续), 生物数学学报,9(3),1994 (3) Song Xinyu, Asymptotic behavior of nonautonomous Lotka-Volterra model, Chinese Quart. J. Math., 12, 1996 (4) 宋新宇,陈秀东, 一类平面五次系统的极限环, 数学研究与评论, 16(2), 1996 (5) 宋新宇, 一类平面n+2次系统的极限环, 高校应用数学学报, 11A(3), 1996 (6) 宋新宇, 一类一级饱和反应系统的极限环, 生物数学学报, 11(4), 1996 (7) Song Xinyu, On the nonautonomous predator-prey Lotka-Volterra diffusion system, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 17, 1997 (8) 祁传达,俞迎达, 宋新宇, 投资系统稳定性分析, 系统工程的理论与实践, 8, 1997 (9) Song Xinyu,Chen Lansun, Persistence and periodic orbits for two species predator-prey system with diffusion, Canadian Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 6(3), 233-244, 1998 (10) Song Xinyu,Chen Lansun, Persistence and global stability for nonautonomous predator-prey system with diffusion And time delay, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 35(6), 33-40, 1998 (SCI) (11) Song Xinyu,Chen Lansun, Harmless delays and global attractivity for nonautonomous predator prey system with dispersion, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 39(5/6), 33-42, 2000 (SCI) (12) Song Xinyu,Chen Lansun, Persistence in nonautonomous predator-prey system with diffusion and infinite delay, Differential Equation and Dynamical Systems, 8(1), 67-80, 2000 (13) Song Xinyu, Periodic solution of a nonautonomous single-species model with stage structure and stocking, Acta Analysis Functionalis Applicata, 3(1), 32-43, 2001 (14) Song Xinyu, Ye Kaili, Conditions for global stability of n-patches ecological system with dispersion, Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition, 21(3), 329-333, 2001 (15) Song Xinyu,Chen Lansun, Conditions for global attractivity of n-patches predator-prey dispersion-delay models, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 253(1), 1-15, 2001(SCI) (16) Song Xinyu, Chen Lansun, Optimal harvesting and stability for a two species competitive system with stage structure, Mathematical Biosciences, 170(2), 173-186, 2001 (SCI) (17) Song Xinyu,Chen Lansun, Global asymptotic stability of a two species competitive system with stage structure , Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 6(2), 81-87, 2001 (18) Song Xinyu,Chen Lansun, A predator-prey system with stage structure and harvesting for predator, Annals of Differential Equations, 18(3), 264-277, 2002 (19) Song Xinyu, Chen Lansun, Optimal harvesting policy and stability for single-species growth model with stage structure, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 15(2), 194-201, 2002 (20) Song Xinyu,Chen Lansun,Uniform persistence and global attractivity for nonautonomous competitive system with dispersion, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 15(3), 307-314, 2002 (21) Song Xinyu , Chen Lansun , Modeling and analysis of a single species system with stage structure and harvesting, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 36(1/2), 67-82, 2002 (SCI) (22) Song Xinyu , Chen Lansun , Optimal harvesting and stability for a predator-prey system with stage structure, Acta Mathematical Applicatae Sinica, 18(3), 423-430, 2002 (23) Song Xinyu, Cui Jing’an, The stage-structured predator-prey system with delay and harvesting, Applicable Analysis, 81(5), 1127-1142, 2002 (24) Song Xinyu, Cui Jing’an, Uniform persistence and global attractivity for nonautonomous competitive systems with nonlinear dispersion and delays, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 146(1), 273-288, 2003 (SCI) (25) Song Xinyu, Chen Lansun, Periodic solution of a delay differential equation of plankton allelopathy, 数学物理学报,23A(1), 8-13, 2003 (26) Ye Kaili, Song Xinyu, Predator-prey system with stage structure and delay, Applied Mathematics A Journal of Chinese Universities, 18(2), 143-150, 2003 (27) Li Xuezhi, Song Xinyu, Analysis of an age-structured SEIR epidemic model with vaccination, International Journal of Differential Equations with Applications, 7(1) , 47-67, 2003 (28) Cui Jingan, Song Xinyu, Permanence of predator-prey system with stage structure, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 4(3), 547-554, 2004 (SCI) (29) Song Xinyu, Cai Liming, Avidan U. Neumann, Ratio-dependent predator-prey system with stage structure for prey, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series B, 4(3), 747-758, 2004 (SCI) (30) 郑丽丽, 宋新宇, 一类带有扩散和时滞的捕食与被捕食模型的渐近性质, 应用数学学报,27(2), 361-370, 2004 (31) Cui Jiangan, Song Xinyu, Suffcient and necessary condition for the permanence of periodic predator-prey system, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, 43, 2307-2323, 2004 (32) 宋新宇,肖燕妮, 陈兰荪,具有时滞的生态-流行病模型的稳定性和Hopf分支, 数学物理学报,25(1), 57-66, 2005 (33) Song Xinyu, Cheng Shuhan, Analysis of a delay-differential equation model of HIV infection of CD4+ T-cells, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 42(5), 1071-1086, 2005 . (SCI) (34) Xiang Zhongyi, Song Xinyu, Extinction and permanence of a two-prey two-predator system with implusive on the predator, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 29(5), 1121-1136, 2006. (SCI) (35) Cai Liming and Song Xinyu, Permanence and stability in a delayed ratio-dependent predator-prey system with stage structure for predator, Chinese Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 23(3), 537-542, 2006. (EI) (36) 郭红建,宋新宇, 一类具有常数脉冲投放的三种群捕食系统, 数学的实践与认识,36(8):223-228,2006, (37) 郭红建;宋新宇,一类带有功能性反应和脉冲效应的捕食系统的动力学性质(英文),应用数学,19(4):724-730, 2006. (38) Cui Jingan, Song Xinyu, Chen Lansun, Two impulsive systems arising from biological and integrated pest control, Differential Equation and Dynamical Systems, 14(1 & 2), 163-177, 2006. (39) Song Xinyu, Li Yongfeng,Global stability and periodic solution of a model for HTLV-I infection and ATL progression, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 180(1), 401-410 2006. (SCI). (40) Song Xinyu, Ge Zhihao and Wu Jingang, Stability Analysis of a Ratio-dependent Predator-prey System with Diffusion and Stage Structure, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, Volume 2006, Article ID 13948, Pages 1–20. (41) Song Xinyu, Zhao Zhong, Extinction and permanence of two-nutrient and one-microorganism chemostat model with pulsed input, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2006, Article ID 38310, Pages 1–14. (SCI). (42) Song Xinyu, Xiang Zhongyi, The prey-dependent consumption two-prey one-predator models with stage structure for the predator and impulsive effects, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 242(3), 683-698,2006 (SCI) . (43) Shi Xiangyun, Song Xinyu and Zhou Xueyong, Analysis of a model of plasmid-bearing, plasmid-free competition in a pulsed chemostat, Advances in Complex Systems, 9(3 ), 263-276, 2006. (SCI). (44) Shi Xiangyun and Song Xinyu, Analysis of a chemostat model with pulsed input, Journal of Biological Systems, 14(4 ), 583-598, 2006 (SCI). (45) Xiang Zhongyi, Song Xinyu, A model of competition between plasmid-bearing and plasmid-free organisms in a chemostat with periodic input, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 32 (4), 1419-1428, 2007, (SCI). (46) Song Xinyu, Li Yongfeng, Dynamic complexities of a holling II two prey one predator system with impulsive effect, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 33(2), 463-478 , 2007 (SCI) . (47) Cai Liming, Song Xinyu, Permanence and stability of a predator-prey system with stage structure for predator, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 201(2), 356-366 , 2007 (SCI). (48) Song Xinyu and Guo Hongjian, Extinction and permanence of a kind of pest-predator models with impulses and infinite delay, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 44(2), 327-342, 2007, (SCI). (49) Song Xinyu and Avidan U. Neumann, Global Stability and Periodic Solution of the Viral Dynamics, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 329(1), 281-297,2007 (SCI) (50) Zhou Xueyong, Song Xinyu and Shi Xiangyun, Analysis of competitive chemostat models with the Beddington-DeAngelis functional response and impulsive effect, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 31(10), 2299-2312, 2007 (SCI). (51) Zhao Zhong and Song Xinyu, On the study of chemostat model with pulsed input in a polluted environment, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, vol. 2007, Article ID 90158, 12 pages, 2007. doi:10.1155/2007/90158. (SCI). (52) Zhao Zhong and Song Xinyu, Bifurcation and complexity in a ratio-dependent predator-prey chemostat with pulsed input, Appl. Math. J. Chinese Univ. Ser. B, 22(4): 379-387, 2007 (53) 向中义,宋新宇,基于脉冲扰动作用下一个捕食者-两个食饵模型的动力学性质,高校应用数学学报A辑, 22(2), 159-166, 2007. (54) 向中义,宋新宇,一类具有饱和反应率的脉冲免疫接种的SIS模型,生物数学学报,22(3), 480-486, 2007. (55) Wang Xia and Song Xinyu, Global properties of model of immune effector responses to viral infections, Advances in Complex Systems, 10(4), 495-503, 2007. (SCI) (56) Wang Xia and Song Xinyu, Global stability and periodic solution of a model for HIV infection of CD4$^+$ T cells, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 189(2), 1331-1340, 2007, (SCI). (57) Liming Cai, Xuezhi Li, Xinyu Song, and Jingyuan Yu, Permanence and Stability of an Age-Structured Prey-Predator System with Delays, Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society Volume 2007 (2007), Article ID 54861, 15 pages, doi:10.1155/2007/54861 (SCI). (58) Song Xinyu, Li Yongfeng, Dynamic Behaviors of the Periodic Predator-prey Model with Modified Leslie-Gower Holling-Type II Schemes and Impulsive Effect, Nonlinear Analysis Series B: Real World Applications, 9(1), 64-79, 2008, (SCI). (59) Guo Hongjian and Song Xinyu, An impulsive predator-prey system with modified Leslie-Gower and Holling type II schemes, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 36(5), 1320-1331, 2008. (SCI). (60) Zhou Xueyong, Shi Xiangyun and Song Xinyu, Analysis of nonautonomous predator-prey model with nonlinear diffusion and time delay, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 196( 1), 129-136 , 2008. (SCI). (61) Xiang Zhongyi, Song Xinyu, Bifuraction and complex dynamics of a two-prey two-predator system concerning periodic and chemical control, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 37(2), 424-437, 2008, (SCI). In press. (62) Zhou Xueyong, Song Xinyu, Shi Xiangyun, A differential equation model of HIV infection of CD4$^+$ $T$-cells with cure rate, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 342(2), 1342-1355 , 2008. (SCI). In press. (63) Zhou Xueyong, Song Xinyu and Shi Xiangyun, Analysis of stability and Hopf bifurcation for an HIV infection model with time delay, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 199 , 23-38, 2008 (SCI). In press. (64) Song Xinyu, Zhou Xueyong and Shi Xiangyun, Analysis of stability and Hopf bifurcation for a delay-differential equation model of HIV ifection of CD4 T-cells, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2008 (SCI). In press. (65) Xiang Zhongyi and Song Xinyu, The dynamical behaviors of a food chain model with impulsive effect and Ivlev functional response, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2008 (SCI). In press. (66) Li Senlin, Song Xinyu and Li An, Strict practical stability of nonlinear impulsive systems by employing two Lyapunov-like functions, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2008 (SCI). In press. (67) Song Xinyu, Hao Meiying and Xinzhu Meng, A stage-structured predator-prey model with disturbing pulse and time delays, Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2008 (SCI). In press. (68) Wang Xia and Song Xinyu, Mathematical models for the control of a pest population by infected pest, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2008 (SCI). In press. (69) Zhao Zhong, Chen Lansun and Song Xinyu, Impulsive vaccination of SEIR epidemic model with time delay and nonlinear incidence rate, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2008 (SCI). In press. (70) Zhao Zhong, Chen Lansun and Song Xinyu, Extinction and permanence of chemostat model with pulsed input in a polluted environment, Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 2008 (SCI). In press. (71) Song Xinyu,Li Senlin and Li An, Practical stability of nonlinear differential equation with initial time difference,Applied Mathematics and Computation,2008 (SCI). In press. (72) Guo Hongjian, Chen Lansun and Song Xinyu, Time-limited management strategies of a single-species with allee effect, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 2008 (SCI). In press. (73) Zhou Xueyong, Shi Xiangyun and Song Xinyu, Analysis of a delay prey-predator model with disease in the prey species only, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 2008 (SCI). In press. (74) Song Xinyu,Li Senlin and Li An, Analysis of a stage-structured predator-prey system with impulsive perturbations and time delays, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society, 2008 (SCI). In press. (75) Xiang Zhongyi, Li Yongfeng and Song Xinyu, Dynamic analysis of a pest management SEI model with saturation incidence concerning impulsive control strategy, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2008 (SCI). In press. 四.获奖和荣誉称号 (1) 1997年获信阳师范学院优秀教师奖 (2) 1998年被评为“河南省优秀中青年骨干教师” (3) 1999年被评为“河南省跨世纪学术、技术带头人”培养对象 (4) 2000年获中国科学院优秀博士生奖 (5) 2001年获中国科学院华为奖学金一等奖 (6) 2001年被评为信阳师范学院“应用数学”学科带头人 (7) 2004年9月被评为“全国优秀教师” (8) 2004年9月获“河南省留学回国人员先进个人奖” (9) 2004年9月获“河南省留学回国人员成就奖” (10) 2004年4月被评为信阳师范学院“应用数学”学科校级特聘教授 (11) 2005年10月被评为信阳师范学院“基础数学”学科省级特聘教授 (12) 获省自然科学优秀论文一等奖六项, 二等奖四项。 五.学术交流与学术兼职 (1) 国际数学家大会生物数学卫星会议, (第三届国际生物数学会议), 桂林, 2002年8月15-18日 ,大会邀请报告 (2) 第五届全国生物数学会议, 2004年5月14-17, 温州大学, 大会邀请报告 (3) 第一届中日双边生物数学会议, 重庆 西南大学,2006年4月23 -28日, 大会邀请报告 (4) The 2nd International Symposium "Dynamical Systems Theory and Its Applications to Biology and Environmental Sciences" Hamamatsu Japan, March 14th-17th, 2007. 大会邀请报告 (5) 第四届国际生物数学会议,武夷山 ,2007年5月29日-6月1日, 大会邀请报告,组织委员会成员. (6) 2007.11.2---11.4 参加中国数学会第十次全国代表大会暨2007年学术年会. (7) 为以下国际刊物审稿人:Mathematical Biosciences; Journal of Theoretical Biology; Bulletin of Mathematical Biology; Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B; Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics; BioSystems,Advances in Complex Systems,Applied Mathematics and Computation 等。 (8) 欧洲数学会《Zentralblatt Math》评论员,2007年1月--- (9) 美国数学会会员, 2004年8月--- (10) 美国数学会《数学评论》评论员, 2005.4--- (11) 中国生物数学学会常务理事 (12) 《生物数学学报》常务编委 (13) 国际杂志《International Journal of Biomathematics》编委 (14) 国家自然科学基金同行评议专家组成员.

  • 黄克靖



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