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所属大学: 哈尔滨师范大学

所属院系: 物理与电子工程学院

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无王选章的教学风格


王选章 博士 男 1957年10月生 专业:凝聚态物理 个人情况综述: 1992年晋升教授,省级重点学科“凝聚态物理”学科带头人。曾任物理系副主任,主任。1997年4月任哈尔滨师范大学副校长。 主持课题: 国家级和省部级项目8项 所获奖项: 1.1995年被评为黑龙江省有突出贡献中青年专家 2.1996年享受国务院政府津贴 3.1998年被评为国家级有突出贡献中青年专家 4.曾经获黑龙江省科技进步三等奖一项,二等奖二项(均为第一获奖者) 5.曾主持或正在主持国家级和省部级项目8项,并为黑龙江省杰出青年基金获得者 代表论文: 1. Nd-Fe-B (B≤50at.%)三元系相图的研究,《中国科学》A辑,Vol.28,NO.10, 1985, p.909 2. Phase Diagrams of Nd-Fe-B Ternary System, >,Vol. 29, No.11, 1986, p.1172 3. 混合自旋 (S=1,1/2)模型具有再次近邻反铁磁相互作用晶格基态,《物理学 报》Vol.37, No.10, 1988, 1707 4. Ising 自旋 (s=1/2)反铁磁超晶格低温热力学,《低温物理学报》Vol.11,N- O.3, 1989, p.179 5. Ising 自旋 (s=1) 周期超晶格反铁磁基态,《低温物理学报》 Vol.11,NO.1, 1989, p.23 6. Thermodynamics at low temperature of Ising antiferromagnetic superl- attices, Chinese Physics (USA), Vol.10, No.4, 1990, p.988 7. Temperature dependence of magnetization and paramagnetism of ferrom- agneticantiferromagnetic superlattices, J. Phys. Condens.Matters,Vo- l.2, No.26, 1990, p.5765 8. Properties of a superlattice composed of identical ferromagnetic fi- lms with antiferromagnetic interfacial coupling, J. Phys.Condens.Ma- tters, Vol.3, No.27, 1991, p.5107 9. Temperature and field dependence of magnetization of superlattices with antiferromagnetic coupling, Phys. Lett. A, Vol.154, No.7/8,1991 p.425 10.Magnetic properties of a transverse Ising film with s=1/2, J.Phys.C- ondens. Matters, Vol.4, No.13, 1992, p.3651 11.Temperature dependence of magnetic susceptibility of antiferromagne- tic superlattice, Phys. Lett. A, Vol.168, 1992, p.443 12.Magnetic properties of antiferromagnetic superlattices, J. Phys.Con- dens. Matters, Vol.5, No.21, 1993, p.3443 13.Phase diagrams of transverse Ising film, Physica A, Vol.193, No.1,19 93, p.133 14.Magnetisation and susceptibilities of diluted Ising thin magnetic f- ilm in a transverse field, Physica A, Vol.232, No.3, 1996, p.315 15.Reflection and transmission by magnetic multilayers, J.Magn.Man.Mat- erials, Vol.212, No.2, 2000, p.82 16.Transmission by antiferromagnetic-nonmagnetic multilayers, J.Phys.C- ondens. Matters, Vol.11, No.13, 1999, p.2697 17.–k magnetostatic guided modes in ferromagnetic films, Phys. Lett.A, Vol.196, No.3, 1994, p.281 18.Phase diagrams of a diluted Ising thin ferromagnetic film in a tran- sverse field, Phys. Rev. B., Vol.51, No.10, 1995, p.6715 19.Phase diagrams of a diluted Ising ferromagnetic film with spin-1 in a transverse field, J. Phys. Condens. Matters, Vol.8, No.31, 1996,p 5745 20.周期性调制稀释ISING 体系的相变,《物理学报>>,VOL.45, No.12,1996,p.2 054 21.Effects of eddy currents on retarded modes of antiferromagnets,Phys. Rev. B. Vol.59, 1999, p.3310. 22.Magnetostatic waves of metal magnetic/nonmagnetic superlattices,Phy- s. Rev. B. 61, No.14, 2000, p.9494. 23.Magnetostatic modes of a lateral antiferromagnetic/nonmagnetic supe- rlattice, Phys. Rev. B., Vol.55, No.18, 1997, p.12424. 24.Magnetostatic modes of antiferromagnet in a magnetic field nonmal to the surface, J. Magn. Magn. Materials, Vol.195, 1999, p.508. 25.Magnetostatic surface and guided modes of lateral-magnetic-superlat- tice films,Phys. Rev. B. Vol.50, No.18 , 1994, p.13472. 26.Magnetostatic modes on lateral magnetic superlattices, Phys. Lett.A. Vol.187, 1994, p.325. 27.Standing waves in a rectangular magnetic wire,Phys. Lett.A Vol.199, 1995, p.224. 28.Magnetostatic modes of lateral magnetic-superlattice films in a tra- nsverse field, J. Phys. Condens. Matter, Vol.9, 1997, p.5777. 29.Magnetostatic modes of lateral magnetic superlattice in an applied f -ield arbitrary direction, Phys. Rev. B.Vol.55, No.18,1997,p.12402. 30.Reflection and transmission by magnetic multilayers, J. Magn. Magn.M -aterials Vol.212, 2000, p.82. 31.Transmission by antiferromagnetic-nonmagnetic multilayers, J. Phys.C -ondens. Matter Vol.11, No.13, 1999, p.2697. 32.Retarded modes of a lateral antiferromagnetic/nonmagnetic superlatt- ices, Phys. Rev. B. Vol.52, No.18, 1995, p.13353. 33.Surface retarded modes of magnetic superlattices with antiferromagn- etic coupling, J. Magn. Magn. Materials, Vol.257, No.2, 2003,p.151 34.Nonlinear magnetostatic surface waves of magnetic multilayers:Effec- tivemedium theory, Phys. Rev. B. Vol.63, No.5, 2001,p.054415 35.Magnetostatic surface waves of lateral-magnetic superlattices,Phys.L ett. A. Vol.255, 1999, p.178. 36.Nonlinear bulk magnetostatic waves of magnetic-nonmagnetic superlat- tices, Submittied to J. Phys. Condens Matter.

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  • 伊丽沙白



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