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所属大学: 安徽大学

所属院系: 物理与材料科学学院

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无郭建友的教学风格


郭建友,男,汉族,1969年3月生,安徽舒城人,博士后,教授,教育部新世纪优秀人才,安徽省高等学校学科拔尖人才,全国核结构专业委员会委员,物理学一级学科硕士点负责人。主要研究方向为原子核结构理论、相对论量子力学和量子信息。近年来在《Physical Review C&A》、《Nuclear Physics A》、《Physics Letters A》、《Chinese Physics Letters》和《高能物理与核物理》等国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文50余篇。目前主要从事相对论核多体理论和奇特核性质研究。 在研项目: 1.国家自然科学基金项目(10675001), 2007.1-2009.12, 主持 2.国家自然科学基金项目(10475001), 2005.1-2007.12, 主持 3.教育部新世纪优秀人才项目(NCET-05-0558), 2006.1-2008.12, 主持 4 安徽省高校拔尖人才项目, 2005.1-2008.12, 主持 5 安徽省教育厅项目(2006KJ259B), 2006.1-2008.12, 主持 6.国家自然科学基金重点项目(10435010), 2005.1-2008.12, 参加 代表作: [30] Jian You Guo and Xiang Zheng Fang, Isospin dependence of pseudospin symmetry in nuclear resonant states, Physical Review C74, 024320 (2006) [29] Jian-You Guo, Jian-Chao Han, Ruo-Dong Wang, Pseudospin symmetry and the relativistic ring-shaped non-spherical harmonic oscillator, Physics Letters A353 (2006) 378-382 [28] Miao Yu, Peng-Fei Zhang, Tu-Nan Ruan, Jian-You Guo, Shape evolution for Ce isotopes in relativistic mean-field theory, International Journal of Modern Physics E15, No.4 (2006) 939-950 [27] Meng Jie, Guo Jian-You, Liu Lang, Zhang Shuang-Quan, Shell -model -like Approach (SLAP) for the Nuclear Properties in Relativistic Mean Field Theory, Front. Phys. China 1 (2006) 38-46 [26] Sheng Zong-Qiang, Shao Ji-Hong, Guo Jian-You, Study of the Superdeformed State of 196Pb in the Relativistic Mean Field Theory (in Chinese), High Ener. Phys. Nucl. Phys., Vol.30, No.6 (2006) 481-484 [25] Wu Xiao-dong, Fei Zheng-le, Guo Jian-you, Preparation of W class states of multiparticle by adiabatic passage, Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Vol.23, No.4 (2006) 742-748 [24] Han Jian-chao, Wang Ruo-dong, Guo Jian-you, Bound states of relativistic particles in the four-parameter diatomic potential with pseudospin symmetry, Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Vol.23, No.2 (2006) 273-278 [23] Jian-You Guo, Ruo-Dong Wang, and Xiang-Zheng Fang, Pseudospin symmetry in the resonant states of nuclei, Physical Review C72, 054319 (2005) [22] Jian-You Guo, Xiang-Zheng Fang, Fu-Xin Xu, Pseudospin symmetry in the relativistic harmonic oscillator, Nuclear Physics A757 (2005) 411- 421 [21] Jian-You Guo, Zong-Qiang Sheng, Solution of the Dirac Equation for the Woods-Saxon Potential with Spin and Pseudospin Symmetry, Physics Letters A338 (2005) 90-96 [20] Zong-Qiang Sheng and Jian-You Guo, Systemic analysis of critical point nuclei in the rare-earth region with relativistic mean field theory, Modern Physics Letters A20, No. 35 (2005) 2711-2721 [19] Zhang Shi-Sheng, Guo Jian-You, Zhang Shuang-Quan, Meng Jie, Analytic Continuation in the Coupling Constant Method for the Dirac Equation, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol.21, No.4 (2004) 632-635 [18] Meng Jie, Zhang Shuang-quan, Guo Jian-you, SLAP for Pairing in the Relativistic Mean Field Theory (in Chinese), High Ener. Phys. Nucl. Phys., Vol.28, sup., (2004) 84-86 [17] GUO Jian-you; XU Qiang; HAN Jian-chao, Bound states of Klein -Gordon equation and Dirac equation in the potentials with pseudospin symmetry Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Vol.21, No.4 (2004) 679-684 [16] GUO Jian you, MENG Jie, ZHANG Shuang quan, Particle Number Conserving Treatment of Pairing in Relativistic Mean Field Theory (in Chinese), Nuclear Physics Review, Vol.21, No.4 (2004) 355-357 [15] Guo Jian-You, Meng Jie, Xu Fu-Xin, Solution of the Dirac Equation with Spectial Hulthén Potentials, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol.20, No.5, (2003) 602-604 [14] Zhang Shi-Sheng, Meng Jie, Guo Jian-You, Method of the Analytical Continuation of the Coupling Constant in Schrodinger Equations (in Chinese), High Ener. Phys. Nucl. Phys., Vol.27, No.12, (2003) 1095-1099 [13] Guo Jian-You, Fang Xiang-Zheng, and Xu Fu-Xin, Solution of the relativistic Dirac-Woods-Saxon problem, Physical Review A66, 062105 (2002) [12] Guo Jian-You, Preparation of Entangled States of Three Particles by Adiabatic Passage, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol.19, No.8 (2002) 1041-1043 [11] Guo Jian-You, Bound states of relativistic particles in Tan2(πηr)-type potential (in Chinese), ACTA PHYSICA SINICA, Vol.51, No.7 (2002) 1453-1457 [10] Guo Jian-you, Xu Fu-xin, Bound states of Klein-Gordon equation and Dirac equation for scalar and vector Kratzer-type potentials (in Chinese), Journal of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Vol.19, No.3, (2002) 313-315 [9] GUO Jian-you, CHEN Yong-jing, XU Fu-xin, Nuclear Rotational Spectral Theories and Its Application to Superdeformed Bands (in Chinese), Nuclear Physics Review, Vol.18, No.2 (2001) 85-90 [8] GUO Jian-You, XU Fu-Xin, RUAN Tu-Nan, Odd-Even Difference of Moment of Inertia of Nuclear Superdeformed States in A~190 Region (in Chinese), High Ener. Phys. Nucl. Phys, Vol.25, No.8 (2001) 754-758 [7] GUO Jian-You, XU Fu-Xin, RUAN Tu-Nan, Further Discussion on the Spin-Determination of Superdeformed Bands in the A~190 Region (in Chinese), High Ener. Phys. Nucl. Phys., Vol.25, No.6 (2001) 514-520 [6] Guo Jian-You, Xu Fu-Xin, Ruan Tu-Nan, Quantization of Nuclear Octupole Vibrations in the Space of Parameter, Communications in Theoretical Physics, Vol.33, No.4 (2000) 587-592 [5] Fang Xiang-Zheng, Guo Jian-You, and et al., q-deformed U(5) limit in sd-IBM for nuclei, Communications in Theoretical Physics Vol.33, No.3, (2000) 417-420 [4] Guo Jian-You, Ruan Tu-Nan, Xu Fu-Xin, Collective Motion of a pure Octupole Deformed System, High Ener. Phys. Nucl. Phys., Vol.24, No.12 (2000) 1194-1198 [3] Guo Jian-You, Xu Fu-Xin, Ruan Tu-Nan, Research on Superdeformed Bands with Bohr-Mottelson’s Formulas (in Chinese), High Ener. Phys. Nucl. Phys., Vol.24, No.9 (2000) 829-838 [2] Guo Jian-You, Ruan Tu-Nan, Xu Fu-Xin, Collective Motion in System with General Multipolar -Deformations, High Ener. Phys. Nucl. Phys., Vol.24, No.8, (2000) 780-786 [1] Guo Jian-You, Xu Fu-Xin, Ruan Tu-Nan, Description of Staggering Phenomenon in SUq(2) Symmetry, High Ener. Phys. Nucl. Phys., Vol.24, No.2, (2000) 181-184

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