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所属大学: 中央音乐学院

所属院系: 钢琴系

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无何轶的教学风格


姓名:何轶 性别:女 生日:1979年9月26日 学历:硕士 职务:教师 职称:教师 机构:钢琴系 电子邮件:hyi@ccom.edu.cn 电话:13811619352 办公地址: 个人主页: 擅长的乐器: 简 历 何轶,青年钢琴演奏家,北京音乐家协会委员,中央音乐学院钢琴系青年教师, 中央音乐学院海内外考级委员会评委。出生于湖北省武汉市,5岁开始学习钢琴,师从原武汉音乐学院钢琴系主任、钢琴教育家蒋振瑞教授。 1993年考入武汉音乐学院附属中等音乐学校,继续师从蒋振瑞教授,在附中学习期间,于1996年考入白俄罗斯钢琴教授尤什克维奇专家班学习一年。1998年考入旅法青年钢琴家许忠大师班学习一年。并均以优异的成绩结业。 1999年考入中央音乐学院钢琴系,师从钢琴系副主任潘淳教授。2000年师从教育家、钢琴家、作曲家郭志鸿教授学习至今。在校学习期间各科成绩优异,连续三年获学院颁发的“人民奖学金”,还曾荣获“沈心工”、“维亚康姆——萨姆·雷史东”专业单项奖学金。2003年被学院保送攻读钢琴专业硕士研究生。2006年被评为北京地区高校优秀毕业生.并被留校。目前作为主编已出版拜尔钢琴大字谱教材,2007年任卡瓦依钢琴比赛北京赛区的评委。第二届中央音乐学院“卡丹萨”杯大学生钢琴比赛评委 。2007年度大学生古典音乐节开设专题讲座。2008年应邀在中国音乐学院社会音乐教师水平等级认证录制课程. 在校期间曾与北京音乐厅,中国音乐学院、天津音乐学院、北京戏校、武汉音乐学院、广州星海音乐厅和北京青年宫老年大学等艺术院校和社会团体联谊举办音乐会,参加学院音乐节及星期音乐会的演出,还积极参加一些国内外及学院举办的多项钢琴比赛,并在一些比赛中获奖,为学校和国家争得了荣誉。 获奖情况如下: 2001年 亚洲TOYAMA杯钢琴比赛获北京赛区公开组第二名 2002年 第一届TOYAMA杯亚洲青年音乐比赛获青年组决赛证书 2002年 第二届中国音乐“金钟奖”钢琴比赛获荣誉证书 2002年 中央音乐学院第一届“学院杯”钢琴比赛获优秀演奏奖(最高奖) 2003年 香港莫扎特钢琴大赛获第三名 2004年 台湾“雷协梯兹基”国际钢琴大赛进入前六名获荣誉证书 2004年 第四届中国音乐“金钟奖”钢琴比赛获荣誉证书 2004年 第三届中央音乐学院“学院杯”钢琴协奏曲比赛获优胜奖 2004年 第6届加拿大国际艺术家音乐比赛中国选拔赛获钢琴比赛第一名 2005年 第一届美国Viardo国际钢琴比赛获第二(第一名空缺) 2005年 获学院颁发的“谭小薇”专业单项奖学金。 本人并在教学实践方面取得了一定的成绩,所教学生多次在北京市及全国钢琴比赛中获奖,本人因此而获得以下荣誉: 2002年 中法“味多”钢琴比赛组委会颁发的园丁奖 2004年首届中国青少年演艺新人推选活动组委会颁发的优秀园丁奖 2007年 第二届中央音乐学院“卡丹萨”杯大学生钢琴比赛学生孙小松荣获第二名 Profile He Yi, a young piano performer, the committee of the Chinese Musician Association, teacher in piano department of Central Conservatory of Music. Born in Wu Han city, Hubei, China, started to play piano since five years old and followed the piano educator, professor JIANG Zhen-rui, who was from Huhan Conservatory of Music. He continued to follow professor JIANG Zhen-rui after getting into Huhan Conservatory of Music’s affiliated secondary school in 1993, in when she got into the professor class, which was held by the Russian professor, Yushkevich for a year in 1996. Two years later, she got into another professor class, which was held by a young piano educator, XU Zhong for another year. Thereafter, He graduated from Huhan Conservatory of Music with distinction. In 1999, HE was admitted by the Central Conservatory of Music and was taught by the vice-director of the piano department, professor PAN Chun, then followed professor GUO Zhi-hong, who is a piano performer, music educator and composer since 2000. He got superior grades and was awarded the “People’s scholarship” by the school for three successive years. She also awarded “SHEN Xin-gong, Viacom—Sam Lei Shi Dong” scholarship. HE was sent by Central Conservatory of Music for a master degree in piano performance in 2003. Three years later, she was evaluated as the Distinct Graduate in Beijing, since then she became a young educator in the music department at Central Conservatory of Music. HE is now the vice editor and is editing a series of books about piano large characters spectrum. Within the time at school, He managed to cooperate with other music organizations such as Beijing Concert Hall, Chinese Conservatory of Music, Tianjin Conservatory of Music, Beijing Opera School, Huhan Conservatory of Music, and Guangzhou Xinghai Concert Hall for jointed concerts. She is also active in joining various activities, which are held at school such as the music festivals and the weekly music concerts, as well as many competitions, which were held in China mainland and overseas, in which HE got various honors and became a pride of the school. Prizes awarded: 2001 First Runner-up in Beijing area in Asia TOYAMA Cup competition 2002 Honor certificate in teenage group in the first Asia TOYAMA Cup competition 2002 Honor certificate in 2nd Chinse music “Jin Zhong Zhang” competition 2002 Excellent performance in the first College Cup 2003 Second Runner-up in Hong Kong Mozart piano competition 2004 Honor certificate of the final round in Taiwan “Lei Xie Ti Zhi Ji” International Piano Competition 2004 Honor certificate in 4th Chinse music “Jin Zhong Zhang” competition 2004 Champion of the 3rd College Cup 2004 Champion of the China area trail in piano in the 6th Canada International Artist Music Competition 2005 First Runner-up in the first America VIARDO International Piano Competition (The champion was left empty) 2005 College’s “TAN Xiao-wei” scholarship Besides concentrating in competitions, HE has a sincere heart in teaching in the industry as well and the following awards are accorded because of her excellent teaching. 2001 “The Best Gardener” granted by the committee of “Wei Dao” piano competition 2002 “The Best Gardener” granted by the first committee of China’s Young Artists Association

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