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所属大学: 南开大学

所属院系: 环境科学与工程学院

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无郝越力的教学风格


郝越力, 男, 1962年7月4日生于天津 职称: 副教授 学历: 工学学士/硕士, 理学博士, 环境微生物与化学博士后 研究领域: 环境微生物技术 学术经历 1980.9-1984.7: 天津科技大学食品科学和生物工程系工业发酵专业, 工学学士 1984.9-1987.6: 天津科技大学食品科学和生物工程系工业发酵专业, 工学硕士 1987.7-1991.3: 天津工业微生物研究所, 助理工程师 1991.4-1992.1: 瑞典隆德大学应用微生物系, 访问学者 1992.2-1994.8: 美国俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University)微生物系, 研究助理 1994.9-1998.6: 美国俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University)环境科学课程, 环境化学博士 1998.7-2001.6: 美国俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University)自然资源学院, 博士后 2001.8-2001.10: 美国俄亥俄州立大学(Ohio State University)自然资源学院, 技术员 2001.11-2002.8: 美国凯斯西部保留区大学(Case Western Reserve University)地质科学系, 博士后 2002.9-2003.11: 归国创业 2003.12-至今: 南开大学环境科学与工程学院, 副教授 科研项目 2001.11-2002.8: 1)生物搅动对自然水体底泥中联苯有机物变化的影响; 2)用亚临界态水提取自然水体底泥中联苯有机物 2001.8-2001.10: 土壤颗粒团聚性和微生物生物量的分析 1998.7-2001.6: 1)土地使用对土壤有机碳含量及土壤回收大气二氧化碳的影响; 2)土壤有机碳水土流失的评估; 3)气相二氧化碳浓度对土壤微生物呼吸释放二氧化碳的抑制; 4)野外试验煤燃烧脱硫废物对煤矿废物中硫铁矿微生物氧化产酸的抑制; 5)煤矿区酸液中微生物16S rDNA的提取, 纯化和序列分析 1994.9-1998.6: 1)煤燃烧脱硫废物亚硫酸钙氧化动力学; 2)含亚硫酸钙的煤燃烧脱硫废物对煤矿废物中硫铁矿微生物氧化产酸的抑制 1991.4-1994.8: 1)致病微生物在隐形眼镜上的吸附及消毒; 2)土壤中降解阿托津(atrazine)细菌的分离及其降解动力学和产物的研究; 3)乳酸杆菌(Lactococcus lactis)中柠檬酸代谢与芳香物质的产生 1985-1991.3: 1)吉氨酸高产菌的诱变筛选; 2)米根霉菌(Rhizopus oryzae)的L-型乳酸发酵的小试与中试研究; 3)谷氨酸高产菌细胞融合的条件研究 教学课程 1.硕士研究生环境科学与工程专业英语 2.现代环境微生物研究 学术文章 1. Hao, Y., R. Lal, L.B. Owens, R.C. Izaurralde, W.M. Post, and D.L. Hothem. 2002. Effect of cropland management and slope position on soil organic carbon pool at the North Appalachian Experimental Watersheds. Soil & Tillage Res. 68:133-142. 2. Hao, Y., W.A. Dick, and O.H. Tuovinen. 2002. PCR amplification of 16S rDNA sequences in Fe-rich sediment of coal refuse drainage. Biotechnol. Lett. 24:1049-1053. 3. Hao, Y., R. Lal, R.C. Izaurralde, J.C. Ritchie, L.B. Owens, and D.L. Hothem. 2001. Historic assessment of agricultural impacts on soil organic carbon erosion in an Ohio watershed. Soil Sci. 166:116-126. 4. Hao, Y., and W.A. Dick. 2000. Potential inhibition of acid formation in pyritic environments using calcium sulfite byproduct. Environ. Sci. Technol. 34:2288-2292. 5. Radosevich, M., S.J. Traina, Y. Hao, and O.H. Tuovinen. 1995. Degradation and mineralization of atrazine by a soil bacterial isolate. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 61:297-302. 6. Hao, Y., R. Lal, L.B. Owens, and R.C. Izaurralde. 2001. Soil organic carbon erosion assessment by cesium-137. p. 451-468. In: R.Lal, J.M. Kimble, R.F. Follett, and B.A.Stewart (eds.) Assessment Methods for Soil Carbon. CRC Press, New York. 7. Dick, W.A., R.C. Stehouwer, J.M. Bigham, W.E. Wolfe, Y. Hao, D. Adriano, J. Beeghly, and R.J. Haefner. 2000. Beneficial uses of flue gas desulfurization by-products: examples and case studies of land application. P. 505-536. In: J.F. Power and W.A. Dick (eds.), Land Application of Agricultural, Industrial, and Municipal By-Products. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, WI. 8. Hao, Y., R. Lal, L.B. Owens, and R.C. Izaurralde. 2001. Temporal dynamics of organic carbon in pastoral and cropped soils at the north Appalachian experimental watersheds. Abstract. First National Conference of Carbon Sequestration (Washington, DC). 9. Hao, Y., R. Lal, L.B. Owens, R.C. Izaurralde, and W.M. Post. 2000. The soil organic carbon pool for different land use and agricultural management systems in north Appalachian experimental watersheds. Abstracts, Annual Meetings of American Geophysical Union (SanFrancisco, CA). 10. Hao, Y., D. Nicomrat, O.H. Tuovinen, and W.A. Dick. 1999. 16S rDNA-based analysis of bacterial diversity in iron precipitates associated with weathered coal refuse. Agronomy Abstracts, Annual Meetings of Soil Science Society of America (Salt Lake City, UT). 11. Hao, Y., and W.A. Dick. 1999. Use of calcium sulfite-containing flue gas desulfurization by-product to inhibit acid mine drainage from coal refuse. In: 20th Annual West Virginia Surface Mine Drainage Task Force Symposium. West Virginia University (Morgantown, WV). 12. Hao, Y., R.C. Stehouwer, and W.A. Dick. 1997. Inhibition of acid production in coal refuse amended with CaSO3-based flue gas desulfurization by-product. Agronomy Abstracts, Annual Meetings of Soil Science Society of America (Anaheim, CA). 13. Dick, W.A., D.A. Kost, L. Chen, R.C. Stehouwer, T.A. Houser, J.M. Bigham, and Y. Hao. 1999. Land application uses of FGD for mineland reclamation and agriculture: Arsenic. In: 16th Annual International Pittsburgh Coal Conference (Pittsburgh, PA). 14. Stehouwer, R.C., Y. Hao, and W.A. Dick. 1997. Mixed placement of coal refuse and FGD for prevention of acid mine drainage. Agronomy Abstracts, Annual Meeting of Soil Science Society of America (Anaheim, CA). 15. Portoles, M., Y. Hao, S. Wrobel, and O.H. Tuovinen. 1996. Use of redox dyes for evaluation of bacterial attachment on RGP contact lenses. Abstracts, Anuual Meeting of the Contact Lens Association of Ophthalmologists (Las Vegas, NV). 16. Radosevich, M., Y. Hao, D.M. Stamper, S.J. Traina, and O.H. Tuovinen. 1993. Biodegradation of atrazine and alachlor in Ohio MSEA sediment samples: enrichment and pure reference culture experiments. Agricultural Research Conference on the Protection of Water Quality. Soil and Water Conservation Society (Ankenny, IA). 17. Radosevich, M., Y. Hao, S.J. Traina, and O.H. Tuovinen. 1993. The kinetics of atrazine degradation by a bacterial isolate in natural buried valley aquifer sediments. Abstract Q-119, Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology (Atlanta, GA).

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