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所属大学: 对外经济贸易大学

所属院系: 国际经济贸易学院

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无洪俊杰的教学风格


学院:对外经贸大学国际经济贸易学院 职称:副教授 电话:86-10-64493928 电邮:hongjunjie@uibe.edu.cn; hongjunjie@yahoo.com 洪俊杰博士,2005年毕业于新加坡国立大学,获经济学博士学位。现任对外经贸大学国际经贸学院副教授。主要从事外商直接投资,城市经济学,物流与供应链管理等领域的研究和相关的教学工作。 洪博士在国际双向匿名评审的学术期刊上发表论文多篇,包括国际著名学术期刊Regional Studies, Transportation Research Part A, Service Industries Journal, China Economic Review等。作为负责人或参与人主持或参加了多项省部级科研项目。洪博士兼任英文学术期刊Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies (ISSN: 1754-4408, Emerald Publishing 出版发行) 的执行主编。 教育背景: 2001-2005 新加坡国立大学经济学系 博士 1998-2001 南开大学交通经济研究所 硕士 1994-1998 南开大学经济学系 本科 工作经历: 2007年1月至今,对外经贸大学国际经贸学院,副教授 2005-06,对外经贸大学国际经贸学院,助理教授/讲师 2002年至今,南开大学现代物流研究中心,客座研究员 教授课程: Chinese Logistics, Managerial Economics Chinese Economic and Business System, Urban Economics 物流与供应链管理,城市经济学,运输经济学 研究领域: 外商直接投资,城市与区域经济学,物流与供应链管理 奖励,荣誉称号: 2001-2004年,新加坡国立大学,研究奖学金 入选who is who in the world, who is who in Asia 社会服务: Journal of Chinese Economic and Foreign Trade Studies, 执行主编 (期刊网址:http://www.emeraldinsight.com/info/journals/jcefts/eabinfo.jsp) Journal of International Business and Trade, 编委 主要研究项目: 1,2005-07,外资物流企业在中国选址决策研究,211工程课题,主持人 2,2005-07,乌昌一体化产业布局,交通规划研究,乌鲁木齐市发改委项目,参与人 3,2002年,合安高速公路收费,规划,融资与运作研究,世界银行及安徽省交通厅项目 参与人 4,2000年至2001年,天津市现代物流发展纲要,国家科技部资助项目,天津市2001年重大项目,参与人,总报告执笔人 5,2000年至2001年,天津港集装箱物流中心发展战略研究,天津港务局与天津市政府2001年重大项目,参与人,调研员 主要研究成果: International refereed journal papers 1,Hong J.J., Chin A. & Liu B.L. (2004). Logistics outsourcing by manufactures in China: A survey of the industry, Transportation Journal,43(1): 17-25. (SSCI) (该论文已被国际知名学术期刊上发表的论文引用达15次左右). 2,Hong J.J. & Chin A. (2007), Modeling the location choices of foreign investments in Chinese logistics industry, China Economic Review, 18: 425-437. (SSCI) 3,Hong J.J. (2007), Transport and the location of foreign logistics firms: the Chinese experience, Transportation Research Part A, Vol.41, 597-609. (SSCI, SCI) 4,Hong J.J. (2007), Location determents and patterns of foreign logistics services in Shanghai, China, Service Industries Journal, 27(4): 339-354. (Lead article) (SSCI) 5,Hong J.J. (2007), Firm-specific effects on location decisions of FDI in China’s logistics industry, Regional Studies, 41(5): 673-683. (SSCI) 6,Hong J.J. & Liu B.L. (2007), Logistics Development in China: A provider perspective, Transportation Journal, 46(2): 55-65 7,Hong J.J., Chin A. & Liu B.L. (2004), Firms-specific characteristics and logistics outsourcing by Chinese manufacturers, Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing & Logistics, 16 (3): 23-36. 8,Hong J.J., Chin A. & Liu B.L. (2007), Logistics service providers in China: Current status and future prospects, forthcoming in Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing& Logistics. 19(2): 168-181. Book Chapters and conference proceedings 1,Chin A. and Hong J.J. (2008), “The location decisions of foreign logistics firms in China: Does transport network capacity matter?” in Peter Wilson (Eds.), Economic Policies and Social Welfare in the 21st Century- Challenges and Responses for China and Thailand, Singapore: World Scientific Press. 2,Hong J. and Goh M. 2007. Choice of foreign ownership type: evidence from China’s logistics industry, Paper presented at the 3rd International Symposium on Global Business and Trade, Incheon. 3,Hong J. 2007. Firm Heterogeneity and Location Choices of Foreign Direct Investment in China, Paper presented at at the 4rd International Symposium on Global Business and Trade, Philippine. 4,Hong J. and Goh M. 2006. Market entry mode of foreign logistics service providers in China, Proceedings of the International Conference on Greater China Supply China and Logistics 2006, Hong Kong. 5,Hong J. 2005. Location choice of foreign logistics firms: Evidence from China, Greater China Supply Chain and Logistics Forum and Academic Conference 2005 Proceedings, Nanjing. 6,Hong J.J.(2005), “The location choice of logistics FDI in a Chinese city: Determinants and patterns”, The Journal of International Business and Trade, July, pp.271-291. 7,Hong J.J. (2005), “The influence of transport and other urban characteristics on foreign direct investment: evidence from China”, the proceedings of 10th World Conference on Transport Research, Istanbul. 中文期刊 1,洪俊杰,“服务业外商直接投资的选址问题”,《国际贸易问题》,2007年第1期 2,洪俊杰,“关于服务业外商直接投资选址问题的个人见解”,《国际贸易问题》,2007年第5期

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