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所属大学: 南京大学

所属院系: 理学院

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无邢定钰的教学风格


邢定钰,男,1945年2月3日生于上海市,祖籍南京高淳。教授,博士生导师。享受政府津贴。1962-1967在南京大学物理系读本科,1978-1981在南京大学物理系读研究生,1981.11在南京大学物理系任教师,1985.12在南京大学物理系任副教授,1990.12在南京大学物理系任教授,1993.10在南京大学物理系任博士生导师,1993.10在南京大学物理系副主任,1999.10在南京大学固体微结构物理国家实验室主任,1986-1988在美国休士顿大学物理系和德州超导中心任访问学者.现任职务有南京大学微结构物理国家重点实验室主任,南京大学物理系学位委员会主任,“物理学进展”副主编,Modern Physical Letters B 编委,International Journal of Modern Physical B 编委,国家自然科学基金委员会理论物理专款学术领导小组成员等。 研究方向:1.量子输运理论 2.磁性纳米结构中的自旋输运和巨磁电阻理论 3.锰氧化物中庞磁电阻和强关联效应 4.铜氧化物高温超导电性和正常态性质 5.低维物理和相变 一、著作 1. 《Anderson局域的标度理论》,非晶态半导体物理学(何宇亮等编著), 高等教育出版社, 1989 2. 解思深,姚希贤,张裕恒,邢定钰等, 《高温超导电性》, 浙江大学出版社, 1992 二、论文 1. 超导体--正常导体界面的邻近效应, 低温物理学报, Vol.3, 1981 2. On the Proximity Structure Physica B, Vol.108, 1981 3. 正常导体--超导体多层薄膜系统的电子态, 物理学报, Vol.31, 1982 4. Effect on Surface and Interfaces on the PhononDensity of States Chin.Phys.(原载于《低温物理学报》) 1983 5. Polarons in 1D System with Peierls Gap and Commensurability 3 Proceedings of LT17 ,1984 6. 邢定钰等, Discussion on the Superconducting Tc in a N-SMultifilm Structure Chin.Phys.(原载于《物理学报》), 1985 7. 邢定钰, Electron State in Disordered MicrocrystallineStructure Solid State Commun Vol.54 1985 8. 邢定钰等 ,Electron State in Simple Metallic CompositionallyModulated Structure, Commun.in Theor.Physics ,Vol.4 ,1985 9. 邢定钰等, Influence of Interfaces on Atomic Mean SquareDisplacement of Crystals, Commun.in Theor.Physics, Vol.4 ,1985 10. Polarons in a 1:3 Peierls System Chin.Phys.(原载于《物理学报》) ,1985 11. 二维超晶格伊辛模型的实空间重正化群计算, 低温物理学报,Vol.8,1986 12. 聚乙炔中孤波激发的稳定性 南京大学学报 Vol.22 1986 13. Balance Equations for Steady-State Hot-ElectronTransport in the Approach of NSO, Physical Review B, Vol.35,1987 14. 邢定钰等, Nonlinear Electronic Transport in Semiconductorswith Two Types of Carriers ,Physical Review B, Vol.36, 1987 15. Mean-Square Displacements of Atoms in an Semi-Infinite Superlattice Chinese Physics (原载于《物理学报》), 1987 16. 邢定钰等, Surface Effects on Melting Transition ,Physical Review B, Vol.36, 1987 17. 邢定钰, Superconductivity Due to Localized Bipolarons inMetal Oxide Compounds “Novel Superconductivity”, 1987 18. Green s Function Approach to TransientHot-Electron Transport in Semiconductors,Physical Review B, Vol.35, 1987 19. 国际学术会议论文报告(六篇), 1987 20. 邢定钰, 外场下热力学系统功和内能的两种表述, 大学物理, Vol.22, No.2, 1987 21. 邢定钰, Application of NSO to Hot-Electron Transport inSmall Semiconductors, Chinese Journal of Physics, 1987 22. Analytical Approach to Diffusion of Hot Carriersin n-type GaAs with ?-L-X Band ,Physical Review B, Vol.3, 1988 23. Green s Function Approach to Diffusion of HotCarriers in Two-Valley GaAs, Journal of Physics C21, 1988 24. 邢定钰, A Possible Picture of High Tc Superconductivity ,Chinese Physics Letters ,Vol.5 ,1988 25. Anisotropic Normal-State Transport of High Tc Oxide Y-Ba-Cu-O, Journal of Physics C21, 1988 26. 邢定钰等, Hot-Electron Transport for Many-Valley Semiconductorsby the Method of NSO, Physical Review B, Vol.37, 1988 27. W.P.Su,C.S.Ting,邢定钰,C.S.Ting,M.Liu Mean Field Theory Study of a Tight-Binding Modelfor High Tc Oxides Solid State Commun, Vol.67, 1988 28. Out-of-Plane Transport Mechanism in High Tc Oxide Y-Ba-Cu-O, Physical Review B, Vol.38,1988 29. Theoretical Calculation of the Normal-State Resis-tivity of the High Tc Oxides, Physical Review B, Vol.37, 1988 30. Two-Band Model for Anisotropic Hall Effect in High Tc Y-Ba-Cu-O ,Physical Review B ,Vol.38, 1988 31. Balance Equation Approach to Hot-Electron Transport in Many-valley Semiconductors:Comparing with the Monte Carlo Results for Ntype Si Solid State Electronic, 1988 32. Theory of Resistivity for Charged Bosons in High Tc Oxide Compounds Solid State Commun Vol.65, 1988 33. C.S.Ting,邢定钰等, Disscusion on the Extrapolated Residual Resist-ivity in High Tc Oxide ,Materials Physical Review B, Vol.40 ,1989 34. 邢定钰等, Transient Hot-Electron Transport in GaAs with ?-L-X Band Structure, Journal of Physics, CM1, 1989 35. 邢定钰, Theoretical Investigation of Normal-State TransportProperties of High Tc Y-Ba-Cu-O Compounds in "High Temperature Supercond, 1989 36. 邢定钰, Mean-Field Study of Magnetic Phase Transitions inIsing Superlattice, Physics Letters A, Vol.141, 1989 37. 高Tc超导氧化物各向异性输运系数的理论模型, 中国科学基金, 科学出版社超导增刊, 1989 38. Effect of Electron-Hole Scattering on Resistivityand Hall Effect in Y-Ba-Cu-O ,Zeitchrift fur Physik B77 ,1989 39. An Electron-Phonon Model for Anisotropic Transportin Single-Crystal YBaБCuВO,? Journal of Physics CM1 1989 40. C.S.Ting,邢定钰 ,Normal State Resistivity of A Quantum Antiferro-magnet in High Tc Cupreous Oxides ,Modern Physics Letters,B4, 1990 41. 高温超导氧化物正常态输运性质综述, 物理学进展,Vol.10 ,1990 42. 邢定钰, 共振价键模型中正常态电阻率的讨论, 物理学报, Vol.39 ,1990 43. Possible Limit of Conductivity in Heavily DopedPolyacetylene, Journal of Physics CM2 ,1990 44. Van Hove Singularity and Isotope Effect in High Tc Copper Oxides Phys.Rev Vol.B44, 1991 45. 李兰文,邢定钰, 铁磁超晶格的Monte Carlo计算, 低温物理学报, Vol.13, 1991 46. Effect of Interlayer Coupling in Y-Ba-Cu-O Zeitchrift fur Physik Vol.84 1991 47. Single-Band Model of Normal-State TransportProperties of High-Tc Copper Oxides ,Physical Review B, Vol.43, 1991 48. J.Dong D.Y.Xing,Y.Lu A Phenomenological Study of Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectra for High TeOxides, Commun.Theor.Phys. ,18 ,143, 1992 49. J.Dong, D.Y.Xing,D.Y.Xing,M.Liu,Another Possible Phenomenological Model of Normal State High TeOxides, Commun.Theor.Phys., 18, 109, 1992 50. 邢定钰等, YBaБCuВO的金属-绝缘体转变, 物理学报, Vol.41, 1992 51. Comment on “Anomolous Isotope Effect Van HoveSingularity in Cu Oxides” ,Phys.Rev.Lett, Vol.68, 1992 52. D.Y.Xing,M.Liu Nonequilibrium Statistical Opertor in Hot-Electron Transport Theory, Int.Mod.Phys B6, 1037, 1992 53. L.Sheng D.Y.Xing Theory of Giant Magnetoresistance in Nonmultilayer Magnetic Systems ,Mod.Phys.Lett. B7 ,1365,1993 54. M.Liu, D.Y.Xing, Analytical Approach to the Camely-Barnas Theory for GiantMagnetoresistance in Magnetic Layered Structures, Phys.Rew B47, 12272, 1993 55. J.G.Lin Y.Y.Xue,D.Y.Xing,C.W.Chen Variation of Tc and Normal-State Resistivity in DyPrBaCuO under Pressure up to20 Kbar, Chin.J.Phys., 31, 1009, 1993 56. Y.H.Yang,D.Y.Xing,C.D.Gong Effect of Intersubband Impurity Scattering in Two Dimensional DisorderedElectron System, Acta Phys.Sin. ,42, 106 (in Chinese), 1993 57. Q.F.Wang,D.Y.Xing,J.M.Dong, Transport Model for Highly Doped Conducting Polymers J.Nanjing Univ 2, 1225, (in Chinese) ,1993 58. Y.H.Yang,D.Y.Xing,C.D.Gong Interaction Effects and Dimensional Crossover in Disordered TunnelingSuperlatattices ,J.Phys.: C.M.5, 6231 ,1993 59. M.Liu D.Y.Xing,J.M.Dong Linear Tunneling Conductance and Inelastic Tunneling Model Acta Phys.Sin(Oversea Edition), 2, 220, 1993 60. X.F.Chen,D.Y.Xing Analytic Theory for Giant Magnetoresistance Effect in FerromagneticMultilyers Chin.J.Low.Temp.Phys. ,151 (in Chinese), 1993 61. J.M.Dong R.Y.Jia,D.Y.Xing Effects of the Impurity Potential on the Band Structure of DopedTrans-polyacetylene, J.Phys.: C.M.5, 3351, 1993 62. L.Sheng D.Y.Xing Quasiclassical Approach to Perpendicular Transport Through Metallic MagneticMultilayers J.Phys. ,C.M.6 ,7249 ,1994 63. D.Y.Xing,C.S.Ting Many-Body Effect on the Energy Loss Rate of Hot Electrons ,Phys.Rev.Lett. ,72 ,2812,1994 64. M.Liu,D.Y.Xing Temperature Behavior of the Out-of-Plane resistivity in Single-CrystalYBa2Cu3O7-x, Phys.Rev. ,B49,682 ,1994 65. R.Y.Gu M.Liu,D.Y.Xing Novel Treatment of Scattering at Interfaces in Magnetic Multilayers, Chin.J.Low Temp.Phys., 16, 100, 1994 66. L.Sheng D.Y.Xing Path-Integral Approach to the Quasiclassical Theory for Giant Magnetorsistancein Magnetic Multilayers, Phys.Rev. B50, 1001, 1994 67. R.Y.Gu L.Sheng,D.Y.Xing Angle-Dependent Scattering at Interface in Magnetic Multilayers Phys.Status Solidi (b)186, 127, 1994 68. A.Hamed D.Y.Xing,P.H.Hor Hysteresis in the Low-Temperature Photoconductivity of C60 films, Phys.Rev. ,B50 ,11219, 1994 69. J.M.Dong,J.Jiang,Z.D.Wang,D.Y.Xing Lattics and Electronic Structures of C59B and C59N: ExtendedSSH Model Phys.Rev., B51, 1977, 1995 70. L.Sheng D.Y.Xing,Z.D.Wang Transport Theory in Matellic Films: Crossover from Classical to Quantum Regime, Phys.Rev. B51, 7325 ,1995 71. D.Y.Xing M.Liu,J.M.Dong,Z.D.Wang Thermoelectric Power of Hot Carriers in the Nonequilibrium StatisticalOperator, Approach Phys.Rev. ,B51 ,2193, 1995 72. L.Sheng D.Y.Xing,M.Liu Tow-Point Conductivity Tensor in Magnetic Multilayers, Commun.Theor.Phys. ,23, 501 ,1995 73. M.Liu Z.D.Wang,J.M.Dong,D.Y.Xing Extended SSH Model Approach to Dopyballs C58B2 and C58N2 ,Z.Phys. B97 ,433, 1995 74. M.Liu H.Y.Teng,D.Y.Xing,J.M.Dong Van Hove Singularity in High-Tc Copper, Chin.J.Low Temp.Phys. 17 ,Suppl. 618 (in Chinese), 1995 75. M.Liu W.Liu,S.Cao,D.Y.Xing Thermoelectric Power of Hot Electrons in a Microwave Field, Acta Phys.Sin. ,44 ,1977 (in Chinese), 1995 76. D.Y.Xing,J.Yang,C.S.Ting Effect of the Nonequilibrium Distrbution Function on the Energy Loss Rate of HotElectrons in a Semiconductor ,Inter.J.Mod.Phys., B9 ,991, 1995 77. J.M.Dong,J.Jiang,J.Yu,Z.Y.Xing,D.Y.Xing Nonliner Optical Properties of the Substituted Fullerene C59X (X=B,N) Phys.Rev. ,B52, 9066 ,1995 78. D.Y.Xing Theory of Giant Magnetoresistance in Magnetic Multilayers andMagnetic Granular systems ,J.Hebei Nor.Univ. 19 Suppl. ,171 (in Chinese) ,1995 79. R.Y.Gu D.Y.Xing,J.M.Dong Transport for Currents at Angle to the Plane of Layers in Magnetic Multilayers Solid State Commun ,98, 391, 1996 80. J.X.Zhu Z.D.Wang,D.Y.Xing,Z.C.Dong Differential Conductance of Normal Metal-Insulator d-waveSuperconductor Junctions with Interface Roughness Physica, C260, 217, 1996 81. R.Y.Gu,D.Y.Xing,J.Dong Spin-Polarized Tunneling Between Ferromagnetic Films J.Appl.Phys. 80 7163 1996 82. Q.Xu J.Jiang,J.M.ong,D.Y.Xing Third-Order Polarizabilyity of Dopyballs C60-nXn (X=B,N; n=1,2) ,J.Nanjing Univ. 32 ,161(in Chinese), 1996 83. Z.Dong, D.Y.Xing,Z.D.Wang,L.Sheng Interface Scattering Effect on the Differential Conductance of Normal-MetalSuperconductor Junctions Z.Phys. B100, 329, 1996 84. N.Zhang, W.P.Ding,C.Ying,R.Guo,Y.W.Du,D.Y.Xing,et al. Large Piezoresistance and Pressure-induced Metal-Semiconductor Tansiton in thePerovskite-like La-Sr-Mn-O J.Nannjing Univ., 32, 686, 1996 85. Q.Xu ,J.M.Dong,D.Y.Xing ,The Third-order Polarizabillity of Dopyballs C58X2(X=B,N), J.Phys. B:Atom.Mol.Opt.Phys. ,29, 1563 ,1996 86. N.Zhang W.P.Ding,Z.B.Guo,D.Y.Xing,et al. Large Piezoresistance and Pressure-induces Change in Perovskite-likeLa0.85Sr0.15MnO3, Chin.Phys.Lett. 13 ,870, 1996 87. Z.D.Wang,J.X.Zhu,D.Y.Xing,Y.Wang Quantum Theory for a Special Kind of Hard-Core Particles with IntermediateStatistics, Z.Phys. B100 ,299, 1996 88. Q.Xu J.Jiang,J.Dong,D.Y.Xing, Linear Optical Properties of the Dopyballs C60-nXn(X=B or N; n=1,2), Phys.Stat.Sol. ,(b)193, 205, 1996 89. L.Sheng ,R.Y.Gu,D.Y.Xing,J.M.Dong Two-Point Conductivity Tensor of Nonmutilayer Magnetic Systems, Phys.Stat.Sol.(b), 196, 397, 1996 90. J.Jiang J.M.Dong,D.Y.Xing Calculation on Nonlinear Second-Order Optical Susceptibolity of SubstitutedFullerenes C59X(X=B,N), Z.Phys. D37, 341 ,1996 91. N.Zhang ,W.P.Ding,Z.B.Guo,W.Zhong,D.Y.Xing,et al. Low Temperature Magnetoresistance in Granular Perovskite La0.85Sr0.15MnO3 ,Phys.Lett. ,14, 229, 1996 92. L.Sheng D.Y.Xing,J.Dong,Z.D.Wang, Green s Funtion Approach to Transport in Quantum Wires with Rough Surfaces Z.Phys., B100, 469, 1996 93. J.Dong Z.D.Wang,D.Y.Xing,et al. Correlation Effects on eleestronic and Optical Properties of aC60 Molecule: a Variational Monte Carlo Study Phys.Rev.B54 13611 1996 94. Z.C.Dong L.Sheng,D.Y.Xing,J.M.Dong Surface and Interface Scattering Effects on Quantum Transport in a MetallicBilayer Acta Phys.Sin 45 249 (in Chinese) 1996 95. R.Y.Gu L.Sheng,D.Y.Xing,J.M.Dong Macroscopic Theory of Giant Magnetoresistance in Magnetic GranularMetals, Phys.Rev. B53, 11685 ,1996 96. L.Sheng Z.D.Wang,D.Y.Xing,J.X.Zhu A Formal Theory of Conductivity and Application to the Giant Magnetoresistance, Z.Phys. B100 469, 1996 97. L.Sheng Z.D.Wang,Z.D.Wang,D.Y.Xing,J.X.Zhu Semiclassical Transport Theory of inhomogeneous systems, Phys.Rev., B53 ,8203, 1996 98. Q.Xu J.M.Dong,J.Jiang,D.Y.Xing Extented SSH Model Approach for C58B2 and C58N2 Acta Phys.Sin (Oversea Edition) ,5, 170, 1996 99. L.Sheng R.Y.Gu,D.Y.Xing,Z.D.Wang Theory of Giant Magnetoresistance in Magnetic Granular Systems J.Appl.Phys. 79 6255, 1996 100. D.Y.Xing,M.Liu,Z.D.Wang,J.M.Dong Effect of Uniaxial Stress on Tc and the Van Hove Scenario inYBa2Cu3O7 ,Z.Phys. B100, 191, 1996, 101. N.Zhang Z.B.Guo,W.Zhong,D.Y.Xing,Y.W.Du Giant Uniaxial Piezoresistance in GMR Perovskite La0.85Sro.15MnO3, Phys.Lett. ,A219, 319, 1996 102. L.Sheng,D.Y.Xing,D.N.Sheng,C.S.Ting Metal-Insulator transition in the Mixed-Valence, Manganites Phys.Rev.B, 56 ,R7053 ,1997 103. N.Zhang,W.P.Ding,Z.B.Guo,D.Y.Xing et al Giant Magnetoresistance Effect in the Granular Material of Perovskite-typeLa0.85(下标)Sr0.15(下标)MnO3(下标) ,JVST, 1997 104. X.Yang,R.Y.Gu,D.Y.Xing,Z.D.Wang,J.Dong Tunneling Magnetoresistance in Ferromagnet/Insulator/Ferromagnet Junctions, Inter.J.Mod.Phys.11, 3375, 1997 105. R.Z.Wang,J.Dong,D.Y.Xing Defect Studies in a One-Dimentional photonic Band Gap Structure Phys.Stat.Sol.(b)200 ,529, 1997 106. M.Jiang,F.Zhong,D.Y.Xing,Z.D.Wang,J.Dong Orientational Phase Transition in Molecular Monolayer on an Air-Water Interface, J.Chem.Phys.106, 6171, 1997 107. M.Liu,H.Y.Teng,D.Y.Xing,J.M.Dong Mixed s+d Symmetry States Induced by Orthorhombic, Distortion Effect Physica C 282-287, 1649 ,1997 108. J.Jiang,J.Dong,D.Y.Xing Magnetic Transition in Perovskite Mn Oxides at T=0 ,Phys.Rev.B 55 ,8973,1997 109. R.Z.Wang,J.Dong,D.Y.Xing Defect Studies in a One-Dimentional photonic Band Gap Structure ,Phys.Stat.Sol.(b)200 ,529 ,1997 110. J.Shi,J.Dong,D.Y.Xing Conductance Oscillation in a Ferromagnet-Insulator-Ferromagnet-Superconductor(FIFS) Structure Physica C 282-287 1853 1997 111. J.Jiang,J.Dong,D.Y.Xing Exciton Effects on the Optical Properties of the Substituted Fullerenes C59(下标)X(X=B,N), Solid State Commun, 101, 537, 1997 112. N.Zhang,W.Ding,W.Zhong,D.Y.Xing,Y.W.Du Tunnel-type Giant Magnetoresistance in the Granular Perovskite La0.85(下标)Sr0.15(下标)MnO3(下标) ,Phys.Rev.B 56, 8138, 1997 113. R.Z.Wang,J.Dong,D.Y.Xing Dispersive Optical Bistability in One-Dimensional Doped Photonic Band Gap Structures, Phys.Rev.B 55 ,6301, 1997 114. L.Sheng,D.Y.Xing,Z.D.Wang,J.Dong Quasiclassical Approach to Magnetotransport in Magnetic Inhomogeneous Sytems, Phys.Rev.B 55 ,5908 ,1997 115. X.Yang,R.Y.Gu,D.Y.Xing,Z.D.Wang,J.Dong Tunneling Magnetoresistance in Ferromagnet/Insulator/Ferromagnet Junctions Inter.J.Mod.Phys.11 3375 1997 116. X.Wan,J.Dong,J.Jiang,D.Y.Xing The Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Susceptibility of C60(下标)-derived Nanotubes, Phys.Stat.Sol. (b)199 ,571 ,1997 117. R.Y.Gu,L.Sheng.D.Y.Xing,J.Dong Spin-Dependent Scattering from Correlated Impurities at Interfaces, Phys.Rev.B 55, 14450 ,1997 118. R.Z.Wang,J.Dong,D.Y.Xing Dispersive Optical Bistability in One-Dimensional Doped Photonic Band Gap Structures ,Phys.Rev.B ,55 ,6301 ,1997 119. X.Wan,J.Dong,D.Y.Xing Effect of the Symmetry and Shape on the Nonlinear Optical Susceptibilities of five C78 FullereneIsomers J.Phys.B:At.Mol.Opt.Phys.30 1323 1997 120. M.Liu,D.Y.Xing,Z.D.Wang Mixed (s+id)-wave order parameter in the Van Hove Scenario ,Phys.Rev.B 55, 3181, 1997 121. M.Liu,D.Y.Xing Van Hove Singularity in (s+id)-wave Cuprate Superconductors,Phys.Stat.Sol.(b)201, 203 ,1997 122. X.Wan,J.Dong,J.Jiang,D.Y.Xing The Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Susceptibility of C60(下标)-derived Nanotubes ,Phys.Stat.Sol. (b)199, 571, 1997 123. L.Sheng,D.Y.Xing,C.S.Ting Nonequilibrium Statistical Operator Approach to Nonlinear Transport in Mesoscopic Systems Solid State Commun 104 ,137 ,1997 124. M.Jiang,F.Zhong,D.Y.Xing,Z.D.Wang,J.Dong Orientational Phase Transition in Molecular Monolayer on an Air-Water Interface J.Chem.Phys.106 6171 1997 125. J.Shi,J.Dong,D.Y.Xing,Z.D.Wang Conductance Oscillation of a Mesoscopic Normal Metal Spanning Unconventional and ConventionalSuperconductors Phys.Rev.B 56 14822 1997 126. J.Jiang,J.Dong,D.Y.Xing Magnetic Transition in Perovskite Mn Oxides at T=0, Phys.Rev.B 55 ,8973, 1997 127. X.Wan,J.Dong,D.Y.Xing Effect of the Symmetry and Shape on the Nonlinear Optical Susceptibilities of five C78 FullereneIsomers J.Phys.B:At.Mol.Opt.Phys.30 1323 1997 128. L.Sheng,D.Y.Xing,Z.D.Wang,J.Dong Quasiclassical Approach to Magnetotransport in Magnetic Inhomogeneous Sytems Phys.Rev.B 55, 5908, 1997 129. N.Zhang,W.Ding,W.Zhong,D.Y.Xing,Y.W.Du Tunnel-type Giant Magnetoresistance in the Granular Perovskite La0.85(下标)Sr0.15(下标)MnO3(下标), Phys.Rev.B, 56 ,8138 ,1997 130. J.Shi,J.Dong,D.Y.Xing,Z.D.Wang Conductance Oscillation of a Mesoscopic Normal Metal Spanning Unconventional and ConventionalSuperconductors ,Phys.Rev.B, 56, 14822, 1997 131. L.Sheng,D.Y.Xing,D.N.Sheng,C.S.Ting Theory of Colossal Magnetoresistance in R(1-x)(下标)Ax(下标)MnO3(下标), Phys.Rev.Lett.79, 1710, 1997 132. Z.C.Dong,L.Sheng,D.Y.Xing,J.M.Dong Quantum Transport Theory in Metallic Films, Acta Phys.Sin. 46, 568 ,1997 133. M.Liu,D.Y.Xing Van Hove Singularity in (s+id)-wave Cuprate Superconductors Phys.Stat.Sol.(b)201 203 1997 134. Z.C.Dong,L.Sheng,W.Zhang,D.Y.Xing,J.Dong Effects of Interface Scattering on the Electronic Conductivity of Bimetallic Films, Inter.J.Mod.Phys., 11, 2393, 1997 135. N.Zhang,W.P.Ding,Z.B.Guo,D.Y.Xing et al Large Lattice Compression Coefficient and Uniaxial Piezoresistance in CMR PerovskiteLa(1-x)(下标)Srx(下标)MnO3(下标)(0.15,<=x<=0.25) Z.Phys.B, 102, 461, 1997 136. L.Sheng,D.Y.Xing,C.S.Ting Nonequilibrium Statistical Operator Approach to Nonlinear Transport in Mesoscopic Systems Solid State Commun, 104, 137, 1997 137. M.Liu,D.Y.Xing,Z.D.Wang Mixed (s+id)-wave order parameter in the Van Hove Scenario Phys.Rev.B 55 ,3181, 1997 138. J.Jiang,J.Dong,D.Y.Xing Exciton Effects on the Optical Properties of the Substituted Fullerenes C59(下标)X(X=B,N) ,Solid State Commun ,101, 537, 1997 139. L.Sheng,D.Y.Xing,D.N.Sheng,C.S.Ting Theory of Colossal Magnetoresistance in R(1-x)(下标)Ax(下标)MnO3(下标) ,Phys.Rev.Lett.79 ,1710, 1997 140. M.Liu,H.Y.Teng,D.Y.Xing,J.M.Dong Mixed s+d Symmetry States Induced by Orthorhombic Distortion Effect Physica C 282-287, 1649, 1997 141. N.Zhang,W.P.Ding,Z.B.Guo,D.Y.Xing et al Giant Magnetoresistance Effect in the Granular Material of Perovskite-typeLa0.85(下标)Sr0.15(下标)MnO3(下标), JVST, 1997 142. J.Shi,J.Dong,D.Y.Xing Conductance Oscillation in a Ferromagnet-Insulator-Ferromagnet-Superconductor(FIFS) Structure Physica C 282-287 1853 1997 143. N.Zhang,W.P.Ding,Z.B.Guo,D.Y.Xing et al Large Lattice Compression Coefficient and Uniaxial Piezoresistance in CMR PerovskiteLa(1-x)(下标)Srx(下标)MnO3(下标)(0.15,<=x<=0.25) Z.Phys.B, 102 ,461 ,1997 144. R.Y.Gu,L.Sheng.D.Y.Xing,J.Dong Spin-Dependent Scattering from Correlated Impurities at Interfaces Phys.Rev.B 55 14450 1997 145. Z.C.Dong,L.Sheng,D.Y.Xing,J.M.Dong Quantum Transport Theory in Metallic Films Acta Phys.Sin. ,46 ,568, 1997 146. L.Sheng,D.Y.Xing,D.N.Sheng,C.S.Ting Metal-Insulator transition in the Mixed-Valence Manganites Phys.Rev.B, 56, R7053 ,1997 147. Z.C.Dong,L.Sheng,W.Zhang,D.Y.Xing,J.Dong Effects of Interface Scattering on the Electronic Conductivity of Bimetallic Films Inter.J.Mod.Phys. ,ical Material:the Fullerene Tube, J.phys.B:At.Mol.Opt.Phys. 31 ,3079,1998 149. D.Y.Xing,L.Sheng Theory of Metal-Insulator Transition and Colossal Magnetoresistance in Mixed-Valence Manganites physics 27 ,449, 1998 150. F.Zhong,J.Dong,D.Y.Xing Scaling of Hysteresis in Pure and Disordered Ising Models:Comparison with Experimets, Phys.Rev.Lett. ,80 ,1118 ,1998 151. L.Sheng,H.Y.Teng,D.Y.Xing Boltzmann Equation for Spin-Dependence Transport in Magnetic Inhomogeneous Systems, Phys.Rev. 58, 6248 ,1998 152. 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  • 黄予所属大学:广西师范学院
  • 吴开琪所属大学:广西民族大学
  • 欧阳恕所属大学:广西工业职业技术学院
  • 杨克斯所属大学:广西大学
  • 杨梅所属大学:广西大学
  • 文衍宣所属大学:广西大学
  • 范基骏所属大学:广西大学
  • 苏朗所属大学:广西大学
  • 李俚所属大学:广西大学