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所属大学: 南京大学

所属院系: 理学院

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无熊诗杰的教学风格


熊诗杰, 南京大学物理系教授,博士生导师。 1962 - 1968 年学习于北京大学物理系, 1978 - 1983 年为南京大学物理系研究生, 1982 年获理学硕士学位, 1983 年获理学博士学位,后留校工作。现为南京大学物理系教授,博士生导师。 1988 年、 1990 年、 1994 年、 1995 年、 1996 年、 1998 年和 2001 年曾分别赴英国剑桥大学、美国休士顿大学和希腊 Crete 研究中心、英国 Lancaster 大学等处进行短期的科研合作。 从八十年代初起开始进行超晶格和人工调制结构的理论研究工作,从八十年代中期起即开始进行低维系统和无序系统的理论研究工作。 1995 年以来主持国家自然科学基金项目。 迄今为止 , 在国内外核心学术刊物上发表有关的学术论文 106 篇。所发表的有关学术论文也曾多次为 Physical Review Letters 和 Physical Review B 等杂志所引用。所参加的项目《金属超晶格理论研究》获得 1988 年国家自然科学四等奖,并同时获得国家教委科技进步二等奖;所主持的项目《人工调制的无序及非周期结构的理论研究》获得 1997 年国家教委科技进步三等奖;所主持的项目《纳米结构的量子干涉效应和电子输运性质的研究》获得 2001 年中国高校科技进步二等奖。 1991 年被国家教委和国务院学位委员会表彰为《有突出贡献的中国博士》。 一、论文 1. 熊诗杰, 蔡建华, LUCS电子态的计算, 第一届全国统计物理与凝聚态理论, 1981 2. 熊诗杰, 蔡建华, A Tight-Binding Calculation of LUCS Physica LT16proceedings ,B108 ,1981 3. 熊诗杰, 蔡建华, 层状超薄共格结构(LUCS)电子态的紧束缚计算, 物理学报, Vol.31,1982 4. 熊诗杰 ,孙和壁,蔡建华, Phonon structure of LUCS J.Low Temp.Phys. Vol.49 1982 5. 熊诗杰 ,蔡建华, 磁性掺杂超导体对光的Raman散射, 低温物理, Vol.4 ,1982 6. 熊诗杰, 蔡建华, 关于组分调制结构的超模量效应, 物理学报, Vol.32 ,1983 7. 熊诗杰, 蔡建华, Raman Scattering of Superconductors with MagneticImpurities Chinese Physics(AIP) Vol.3 1983 8. 熊诗杰, 蔡建华, On the Electrical Conduction in Metallic Superlattices, 第二届全国统计物理与凝聚态理论, 1983 9. 熊诗杰, 蔡建华, Electronic Structure of Metallic Superlattices, 第二届全国统计物理与凝聚态理论, 1983 10. 熊诗杰, 蔡建华, On Supermodulus Effect of CMS Comm.Theor.Phys. ,Vol.2, 1983 11. 熊诗杰, 蔡建华, Pseudopotential Theory of Metallic Superlattices Solid State Comm. ,Vol.52, 1984 12. 熊诗杰, 蔡建华, 关于多层超薄共格结构的导电性质, 物理学报, Vol.33,1984 13. 熊诗杰, 蔡建华, 再论超模量效应 ,物理学报, Vol.33, 1984 14. 熊诗杰,蔡建华 金属超晶格中的声衰减, 物理学报, Vol.33, 1984 15. 熊诗杰, 蔡建华, Electronic Structures of Transition-MetalSuperlattices Solid State Comm., Vol.52, 1984 16. 熊诗杰, 蔡建华, On Conductivity of LUCS Chinese Physics(AIP) ,Vol.5, 1985 17. A Theoretical Model on Interdiffusion in CMS Chinese Phys.Lett.,Vol.2, 1985 18. 金属超晶格中的无序和电子态的局域化, 南京大学学报, Vol.21, 1985 19. 无序对金属超晶格电子结构的影响-CPA方法, 物理学报 ,Vol.34, 1985 20. 熊诗杰,蔡建华, 组分调制合金的声子结构在计及力常数无序下的CPA研究, 低温物理学报, Vol.7 ,1985 21. 由多层无序合金膜组成的超晶格的声子结构, 低温物理学报, Vol.7, 1985 22. 熊诗杰, 蔡建华, Further Remarks on Supermodulus Effect Chinese Physics(AIP), Vol.5, 1985 23. 熊诗杰, 蔡建华, 非均匀无序系统中Anderson局域化的标度理论, 物理学报, Vol.34, 1985 24. 非晶态半导体超晶格中载流子的随机输运过程, 物理学报, Vol.35, 1986 25. 具有调制分布复合中心的非晶半导体超晶格中载流子驰豫过程, 物理学报, Vol.35, 1986 26. 无公度超晶格薄膜的电子态 ,科学通报, Vol.31 ,1986 27. 调制掺杂非晶半导体超晶格光电导性质, 第四届全国表面界面物理会议, 1986 28. 熊诗杰,蔡建华, 金属超晶格中电子输运过程, 物理学报, Vol.35, 1986 29. 熊诗杰,蔡建华, 界面失配和超晶格结构, 物理学报, Vol.35, 1986 30. 熊诗杰,蔡建华, 界面扩散对超晶格电子结构的影响, 物理学报, Vol.35, 1986 31. The Goldstone Modes in Non-Uniform DisorderedSystems World Scientific, 中日双边学术, 1986 32. 非均匀无序系统的Goldstone模, 中国科学 A辑, No.9, 1986 33. 熊诗杰,蔡建华, 具有层厚无序的双金属层状系统的电子结构I-CPA研究, Comm.in Theo.Phys. Vol.7, 1987 34. 熊诗杰,蔡建华, 具有层厚无序的双金属层状系统的电子结构Ⅱ-无限级微扰论, Comm.in Theo.Phys., Vol.7, 1987 35. 调制掺杂非晶半导体超晶格中的瞬变电流(Ⅱ)- 瞬态光电导, 半导体学报, Vol.8, 1987 36. 熊诗杰, 谭明秋, 无序—维无公度调制链电子结构, 物理学报, Vol.36 ,1987 37. Stochastic Transport Processes of Carriers in ASS Chinese Physics (AIP), Vol.7, 1987 38. 杨瑞青,熊诗杰, 反铁磁Ising(自旋S=1)超晶格的基态能和相界, 低温物理学报, Vol.9, 1987 39. 熊诗杰,蔡建华, 界面扩散对超晶格声子结构的影响-CPA方法, 低温物理学报, Vol.9, 1987 40. 高Tc氧化物超导体中氧缺位和局部位形激发模式, 科学通报, Vol.32,1987 41. Spin Waves in Quasiperiodic Layered Structure, J.Phys.C, Vol.20 ,1987 42. Goldstone Modes in Inhomogeneous Disordered System Scientia Sinica AXXX ,1987 43. Electronic States of Incommensurate SuperlatticeFilms Kexue Tongbao, Vol.32 ,1987 44. 一种可能的超导机制, 第十八届国际低温物理会议论文摘要, 1987 45. 熊诗杰, Localization Length of Wave Functions in 1DDisordered System Solid State Comm. Vol.62, 1987 46. 熊诗杰,蔡建华,非均匀系统渗流问题的Monte Carlo研究, Chinese Phys.Lett. ,Vol.4, 1987 47. 熊诗杰,蔡建华, Influence of Thickness Disorder on PhononStructure of Superlattice, Austr.J.of Phys., Vol.40,No.2 ,1987 48. 熊诗杰, The Electronic Structure of Metallic Superlatticeswith Disorder World Scientific, 亚太地区表面物理会议文集, 1987 49. 熊诗杰, Study of electronic spectra in inhomogeneousdisordered chain Comm.in Theo.Physics. ,Vol.7 ,1987 50. 调制掺杂非晶半导体超晶格中的瞬变电流(I)-载流子的运动 ,半导体学报 ,Vol.8, 1987 51. 胡安,陈坤基,熊诗杰, Research on Quasiperiodic Superlattice, Mater.Sci.Foram, Vol.22-24 1987 52. 熊诗杰,蔡建华, 组分调制合金表面电子结构, 物理学报, Vol.36, 1987 53. 熊诗杰, 具有次近邻相互作用的面心立方格子的Ising(S=1)的基态, 南京大学学报, Vol.23, 1987 54. Magnetic Field and Electronic States in MDH. Springer, Proceedings in Phys., 1988 55. Jahn-Teller Instability in YBCO Systems J.Phys.C, Vol.21 ,1988 56. Some Exactly Solvable Problems on O-D Transformationin YBCO ,J.Phys.C ,Vol.21, 1988 57. Transient current in doping-modulated ASS:transienPC Chinese Physics(AIP) ,Vol.8, 1988 58. 熊诗杰, 谭明秋, Electronic Structure in 1D Incommensurately Modu-lated Chains with Disorder Chinese Physics (AIP), Vol.8, 1988 59. Local structural excitations in new superconducting oxides, J.Phys.C. ,Vol.21 ,1988 60. 熊诗杰,蔡建华, 一维无公度系统电子波函数的特征, 物理学报, Vol.37 ,1988 61. Secondary Retarded Pairing of Carriers Physica C ,Vol.161 ,1989 62. Jahn-Teller E-L interaction and interband Pairing Z.Physik B ,Vol.74, 1989 63. 反号电声子机制产生的高Tc-一种新的载流子配对理论, 第五届全国统计物理与凝聚态理论, 1989 64. Tc-Formula,Isotope Effect and Gingburg-Landau Equ-ation for Superconductivity via Sign-Opposite Electron-Phonon Interactions, 1990 65. 王文正,熊诗杰, The Effect of Lagered TO Phonons on Carrier Distr-ibution in Superconducting Oxides, Modern Phys.lett. ,Vol.B4 ,1990 66. Eliashberg Equations and Coulomb Pseudopotentialfor Superconductivity via Sign-Opposite Interac- tions, Comm.Theor.Physics, 1990 67. The Possible Ground States of Doped Holes in (La?Sr?)БCuOГ, Physics Letters Vol.A147, 1990 68. 熊诗杰, W.Y.Liang A Monte Carlo Study of Carrier Distribution inYBCO ,Comm.Theor.Physics, Vol.13, 1990 69. 王文正,熊诗杰 ,Possible First Order Phase Transition in the One-DHelicai Hubbard Model, Phys. Letters A ,Vol.156, 1991 70. A Theory on Mixture of Fermi-Liquid and Spin-Liquid, Comm.Theor.Phys. ,Vol.16, No.2, 1991 71. Exact ground state of 2D modulation frastration Heisenberg model Physics Letter ,161卷549页, 1992 72. Spin bonds in an insulator with both Hubbard-Mott and charge-transfer gaps, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol.4 ,P.5989, 1992 73. Electronic properties of linear compositions of two binary compounds with randomly distributed layerthicknesses ,Physical Review B, Vol.46 ,P.12004, 1992 74. Two- and three-dimensional fructrated Heisenberg mode Physics Letters A, Vol.168, P.225 ,1992 75. Exact ground state of a double-layer multiband Hubbard model Physical Review B ,46卷12057页, 1992 76. Quantum spin liquid on 2D rectangular frustrated AF lattice Z.Physik B Condenced Matter ,Vol.86, P.17 ,1992 77. Bethe ansatz study of 1+1 dimensional Hubbard model, Z.Physik B Condensed Matter Vol.89, P.29, 1992 78. Exact ground state of a double-layer multiband Hubbard model, Physical Review B, Vol.46, P.12057, 1992 79. Exact ground state of 2D modulation-frastration Heisenberg model, Physics Letters, Vol.161 ,P.549, 1992 80. Electronic properties of linear compositions of two binary compounds with randomly distributed layerthicknesses, Physical Review B, 46卷12004页, 1992 81. Two-and three-dimensional fructrated Heisenberg model, Physics Letters A, 168卷225页 ,1992 82. Spin bonds in an insulator with both Hubbard-Mott and charge-transfer gaps ,Journal of Physics Condensed ,4卷5989页, 1992 83. Bethe ansatz study of 1+1 dimensional Hubbard model, Z.Physik B-Condenced Matter, 89卷29页, 1992 84. 熊诗杰, 层状横波光学声子的非简谐性对高温超导电性的影响, 物理学报, Vol.41, P.506, 1992 85. Quantum spin liquid on 2D rectangular frustrated AF lattice, Z.Physik B-Condenced Matter, 86卷17页, 1992 86. 熊诗杰 层状横波光学声子的非简谐性对高温超导电性的影响, 物理学报, 41卷506页, 1992 87. High-quality resonant tunneling throgh a random multibarrier superlattice, Applied Physics Letters ,63卷81页, 1993 88. 熊诗杰, Electronic properties of a one-dimensional two-band model with disorder Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol.5 ,P.4029, 1993 89. High-quality resonant tunneling through a random multibarrier superlattice Applied Physics Letters, Vol.63, P.81, 1993 90. 熊诗杰, Acoustic properties of layered medium with randomly distributed layer thicknesses ,Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol.5 ,P.8849 ,1993 91. 熊诗杰, Acoustic properties of layered medium with randomly distributed layer thicknesses Journal of physics Condensed Matter 5卷8849页 1993 92. 熊诗杰, Optical properties of GaAs/AlAs superlattices with randomly distributed layer thicknesses ,Physical Review B, Vol.47, P.7146, 1993 93. 熊诗杰, Mixing of subbands in GaAs/AlAs superlattices with randomly distributed layer thicknesses ,Physical Review B, 48卷5273页, 1993 94. 熊诗杰 ,Electronic properties of a one-dimensional two-band model with disorder, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, 5卷4029页, 1993 95. 熊诗杰 ,Optical properties of GaAs/ALAs superlattices with randomly distributed layer thicknesses Physical Review B 47卷7146页 1993 96. 熊诗杰, Extended states in one-dimensional random-segment models, Physics Letters A,Vol.179 P.217, 1993 97. 熊诗杰, Mixing of subbands in GaAs/AlAs superlattices with randomly distributed layer thicknesses, Physical Review B, Vol.48, P.5273, 1993 98. 熊诗杰, Extended states in one-dimensional random-segment models Physics Letters A 179卷217页, 1993 99. 熊诗杰, Reflectionless spin waves in Heisenberg chains with spin impurity segments Journal of Physics-Condensed, Vol.6, P.4937, 1994 100. Exact ground state of the Hubbard model on a double-layer square lattice, Physical Review B, Vol.49 ,P.589, 1994 101. 熊诗杰,王广厚, Tunneling in quantum-wire superlattices with random layer thicknesses, Physical Review B, Vol.49, P.14736, 1994 102. 熊诗杰, Third-order nonlinear susceptibility in GaAs/Alx(下标)Gai-x(下标)As superlattice with a speciallayered structure, Journal of Applied physics, 74卷2455页, 1994 103. 熊诗杰, Third-order nonlinear susceptibility in GaAs/Alx(下标)Ga1-x(下标)As superlattice with a speciallayered structure Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.74,P.2455, 1994 104. 熊诗杰, Intrasubband plasmons and optical transmission in random-layer-thickness n-I-p-I semiconductorsuperlattices, Physical Review B ,Vol.49, P.10373, 1994 105. 熊诗杰,王广厚 ,Tunneling in quantum-wire superlattices with random layer thickness, physical Review B, 49卷14736页, 1994 106. 熊诗杰, Intrasubband plasmons and optical transmission in random-layer-thickness n-I-p-I semiconductorsuperlattices, Physical Review B ,49卷10373页, 1994 107. 熊诗杰, Reflectionless spin waves in Heisenberg chains with spin impurity segments, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol.6, P.4937, 1994 108. Exact ground state of the Hubbard model on a double-layer square lattice, Physical Review, 49卷589页, 1994 109. 熊诗杰, 欧阳容百, Magnetoplasmon polaritons and resonant optical transmissions of a finite random-thicknesssuperlattice in magnetic field ,Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol.7, P.3431, 1995 110. Theoretical investigation of current-noise characteristics in finite semiconductor superlattice withcorrelated thickness randomness, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.78, P.6079 1995 111. S.N.Evangelou,熊诗杰, Quantum electron dynamics in periodic and aperiodic sequences Physical Review B ,Vol.51, P.895 ,1995 112. 熊诗杰, S.N.Evangelou Electronic transport in winding chains, Physical Review B (Rapid) Vol.52, R.13079, 1995 113. 熊诗杰, Reflectionless acoustic waves in one-dimensional elastic structure with correlated disorder Chinese Physics Letters, Vol.12, P.609, 1995 114. 熊诗杰, Soliton propagation in a classical Heisenberg chain with impurities, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol.8 ,P.1051, 1996 115. 熊诗杰, 陈焱, S.N.Evangelou Diffusion of electrons in quasi-1D polymer structures with random interchain couplings, Physical Review Letters, Vol.77, P.4414, 1996 116. 熊诗杰, E.N.Economou Anderson localization for two interacting electrons in a disordered chain, Physical Review B, Vol.54, P.8469 ,1996 117. 熊诗杰, Electronic transamission in a double-chain system with random interchain couplings, Phys. stat solidi(b) ,Vol.196 ,P.391, 1996 118. 熊诗杰, S.N.Evangelou Do the extended states in random dimer chains survive under perturbations?, Physics Letters A Vol.210 P.213, 1996 119. 熊诗杰, Soliton propagation in a classical Heisenberg chain with impurities Journal of Physics-Condensed, Vol.8, P.1051, 1996 120. 熊诗杰, Effect of layer-thickness randomness on gap solitons and optical bistability in nonlinearsuperlattices with photonic stop gaps, Physical Review B, Vol.55 P.10302, 1997 121. 熊诗杰,龚昌德, Effects of off-diagonal nonlinearity on the time evolution of an initially localized mode Physical Review E Vol.56 P.4744 1997 122. 熊诗杰, Magnetoresistance of random double-chain systems, Physica B, Vol.229, P.369, 1997 123. 熊诗杰, Resonant third-order optical susceptibility in asymmetric coupled Si1-x(下标)Gex(下标)/Si quantumwells ,Phys. stat solidi(b),Vol.204, P.635, 1997 124. 熊诗杰, S.N.Evangelou Transport of carriers in a semiconductor polymer random chain-A renormalization approach, Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol.9 ,P.4823, 1997 125. 熊诗杰, S.N.Evangelou Sparse-tandom-matrix configurations for two or three interacting electrons in a random potential Physical Review B Vol.56 P.13623 1997 126. 熊诗杰, S.N.Evangelou Quantum oscillations in mesoscopic rings with many chains, Physical Review B, Vol.56, P.4778, 1997 127. 熊诗杰,冯端, Metal-insulator transition below the Curie temperature in layered manganites Physical Review B ,Vol.58,P.14139, 1998 128. 熊诗杰, S.N.Evangelou Electronic transport in random side-chain ploymers, Lournal Physics Condensed Matter, Vol.10, 1998 129. 熊诗杰,龚昌德 Electronic transmission properties in mesoscopic loops with modulated fluk, Physical Review E ,Vol.58, P.2408, 1998 130. 熊诗杰, Dynamics of electrons in a double quantum dot biased by an ac voltage Nonlinear effect of theCoulomb interaction, Physical Review E, Vol.57,P.3668, 1998 131. 熊诗杰,S.N.Evangelou Quatum transport in topological mesoscopic ring structures Journal of Physics Condensed Matter, Vol.10, P.1065, 1998 132. 熊诗杰, Enhancement of nonlinear optical susceptibility in a superlattice with random constituentasymmetric multi-quantum wells,Journal of Physics Condensed Matter Vol.10 ,P.7691 ,1998 133. 熊诗杰, Transport properties of the hierarchical model for stretched polymers Physical Review B ,Vol.58, P.12848 ,1998 134.熊诗杰,熊烨,Resonant Transmission through a Quantum Dot in Coulomb Blockade Regime. 1999., Physical Review Letters . ,83, 1407 135.Chen-Ping Zhu, Shi-Jie Xiong. Fractal analysis of wave functions at the localization-delocalization transition in a disordered quantum small-world-network model. 2001. Physical Review B . 63. 193405 136.Yong-Jian Xiong, Shi-Jie Xiong. Low-temperature dephasing of electrons by a two-level defect in a quantum dot. 2002. Physical Review B . 65. 201302 137.Shi-Jie Xiong, Yue Yin. Asymmetric line shape and Fano interference in the transport of electrons through a multilevel quantum dot in the Coulomb blockade regime. 2002. Physical Review B . 66. 153315 二、通过鉴定的科研成果 1. 金属超晶格电子结构的研究,南京大学博士论文,1983 三、获奖情况 1. 熊诗杰,蔡建华,获江苏省优秀论文奖,江苏省科协 2. 熊诗杰,马红孺,庞根第,杨瑞青,获国家自然科学奖四等奖 3. 熊诗杰,马红孺,庞根第,杨瑞青,获国家教委科技进步奖二等奖

  • 沈厚才



  • 贾叙东



  • 陈建群



  • 李斌



  • 张仁善



  • 肖泽晟



  • 汪萍



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  • 吴开琪所属大学:广西民族大学
  • 欧阳恕所属大学:广西工业职业技术学院
  • 杨克斯所属大学:广西大学
  • 杨梅所属大学:广西大学
  • 文衍宣所属大学:广西大学
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  • 李俚所属大学:广西大学