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所属大学: 南京大学

所属院系: 理学院

主授课程: 暂无内容

教学风格: 暂无任中洲的教学风格


任中洲,男,1962年12月生,河南人。教授,博导。1983年毕业于兰州大学现代物理系核物理专业。1988年毕业于南京大学物理系理论物理专业,获博士学位。1992年在法国GANIL做博士后研究。中国物理学会会员,中国核学会会员。近年来从事远离beta稳定线奇特核性质的理论研究,发展了核多体理论并将之用于奇特核的研究,给出中子晕出现的新图象,第一次表明在相对论量子强子动力学理论中包括rho 张量介子与核子作用将导致同位能依赖自旋轨道力,做出了开创性的研究工作。共发表论文40余篇,其中SCI 30余篇,论文受到广泛引用和好评。研究课题受到了国家自然科学基金国家教委留学回国人员基金资助,还获得了1992—1993法国CNRS— K.C.Wong基金会博士后奖学金。1995.3—1995.5在法国GANIL国家实验室访问科学家,GANIL资助。1996.12—1997.2在日本RIKEN(理化学研究所)特殊研究员,日本RIKEN资助。1997.8—1999.6在德国洪堡当研究员(Humboldt Research fellow),在德国Tuebingen大学工作,在德国洪堡基金会资助(Alexander Von Humboldt Foundation)。1999.7—1999.8在法国GANIL国家实验室访问教授,GANIL资助。1999.9—2000.8在日本文部省当客座教授(COE Professorship of Monbusho, Japan),在大阪大学核物理研究中心(RCNP)合作科研。1999年1月获教育部科学技术进步奖二等奖,任中洲为第一完成人。荣获法国CNRS—K.C.Wong(法国科学院——王宽诚)基金会博士后奖 (1992-1993),德国洪堡研究员奖(Humboldt Research fellow)(1997-1999),日本文部省客座教授(COE Professorship of Monbusho, Japan)。 研究方向:理论核物理 一、论文 1.Zhongzhou Ren and Gongou Xu: Reduced alpha transfer rates in a schematic model, Phys. Rev. C 36(1987)456-459. SCI. 2.Zhongzhou Ren and Gongou Zu: Evidence of α-correlation from the binding energies in medium and heavy nuclei, Phys. Rev. C 38 (1988) 1078-1080. SCI. 3.Zhongzhou Ren and Gongou Xu: Shell and blocking effects inαtransfer reactions, J. Phys. G 15(1989) 465-472. SCI. 4.Zhongzhou Ren and Gongou Xu: Short-range correlations in light nuclei near the neutron drip line, Phys. Lett. B237(1990)1-2. SCI. 5.Zhongzhou Ren and Gongou Xu: A three-body model of 11Li, 14Be and 17B, Phys. Lett. B252(1990) 311-313. SCI. 6.Zhongzhou Ren: Weakly bound states of a three-body system, Phys. Rev. C49(1994)1281-1284.SCI. 7.Zhongzhou Ren: New perspective on neutron haloes in exotic light nuclei, J. Phys. G20(1994)1185-1194.SCI. 8.Zhongzhou Ren, Gongou Xu, Baoqiu Chen, Zhongyu Ma and W. Mittig, Structure of halo nuclei 14Be and 32Ne, Phys. Lett. B351(1995)11-17.SCI. 9.Zhongzhou Ren, W.Mittig, Baoqiu Chen and Zhongyu Ma, Neutron halso in O isototron, Phys. Rev. C52(1995)R20-R22.SCI. 10.Zhongzhou Ren, W.Mittig, Baoqiu Chen, Zhongyu Ma, G.Auger and Gongou Xu, Neutron halos and spin-orbit splitting in some neutron-rich nuclei, Phys. Rev. C52(1995)R1764-1767.SCI. 11.Zhongzhou Ren, Baoqiu Chen, Zhongyu MA, W.Mittig, and Gongou Xu, Spin-orbit splitting in the relativistic mean-field theory, J.Phys. G21(1995)L83-L88.SCI. 12.Zhongzhou Ren, Gongou Xu, Baoqiu Chen and Zhongyu Ma, Ground state properties of the nucleus 100 Sn in relativistic and nonrelativistic mean-field approaches, J. Phys G21(1995)691-694.SCI. 13.Zhongzhong Ren, Baoqiu Chen, Zhongyu Ma, and W.Mittig, Relativistic mean-field study of light neutron-rich nuclei, J. Phys. G21(1995)1269-1272.SCI. 14.Zhongzhou Ren, Baoqiu Chen, Zhongyu Ma and Gongou Xu, One-Proton halo in 26P and two-proton halo in 27S, Phys. Rev. C53(1996)R572-R575.SCI. 15.Zhongzhou Ren, Baoqiu Chen, Zhongyu Ma, W.Mittig, and Gongou Xu, Relativistic mean-field study of light proton-rich nuclei 18Ne, 20Mg and 22Si, Z. Phys. A353(1996)363-365.SCI. 16.Zhongzhou Ren, Baoqiu Chen, Zhongyu Ma, W.Mittig, and Gongou Xu, Relativistic mean-field study of odd-A N and F isotopes, J.Phys. G22(1996)L1-L5.SCI. 17.Zhongzhou Ren, Baoqiu Chen, Zhongyu Ma, and Gongou Xu, One neutron-halo in 26F, J. Phys G22(1996)523-526. SCI. 18.Bao-An Li, Zhongzhou Ren, C.M.Ko, and Sherry J.Yennello, Isospin dependece of collective flow in heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies, Phys. Rev. Lett. 76,(1996)4492-4495.SCI. 19.Zhongzhou Ren, Z.Y.Zhu, Y.H.Cai, and Gongou Xu, Relativistic mean-field study of Mg isotopes, Phys. Lett.B380,(1996)241-246.SCI. 20.Zhongzhou Ren, Z.Y.Zhu, Y.H.Cai, and Gongou Xu, Relativistic mean-field study of exotic carbon isotopesm Nucl. Phys. A605, (1996)75-86.SCI. 21.Yao-Song Shen and Zhongzhou Ren, Skyrme-Hartree-Fock calculations on He, Li, and Be isotopes, Phys. Rev. C54,(1996)1158-1164.SCI. 22.Yao-Song Shen and Zhongzhou Ren, Skyrme-Hartree-Fock approach to Cd, Sn and Te isotopes, Z. Phys. A355,(1996)247-251.SCI. 23.Yao-Song Shen and Zhongzhou Ren, Skyrme-Hartree-Fock approach to spherical nuclei with density-dependent pairing correlations, Z.Phys. A356(1996)133-139.SCI. 24.Zhongzhou Ren, Z.Y.Zhu, Yanhuang Cai, and Gongou Xu, Relativistic mean-field study of heavy nuclei near Z=108 and N=162, J. Phys. G22(1996)1793-1798.SCI. 25.Bao-An Li, C. M. Ko, and Zhongzhou Ren, Equation of state of asymmetric nuclear matter and collision of neutron-rich nuclei, Phys. Rev. Lett. 78(1997)1644-1647.SCI. 26.Zhongzhou Ren, Baoqiu Chen, Zhongyu Ma, and Gongxu Xu, Level inversion of N=9 isotones in the relativistic meanfield theory, Z. Phys. A357, (1997)137-141.SCI. 27.Zhongzhou Ren, T.Otsuka, H.Sakurai, and M. Ishihara, Skyrme-Hartree-Fock approach to proton halos in 26P and 27S, J. Phys. G23(1997) 597-602.SCI. 28.Zhongzhou Ren, Amand Faessler, A. Bobyk, Relativistic mean-field description of a proton halo in the frist excited state of 17F, Phys. Rev. C57(1998)2752. SCI. 29.Zhongzhou Ren and Amand Faessler, Skyrme-Hartree-Fock Approach to a proton halo in the first excited(1/2)+ state of 17F, J. Phys. G24 (1998) 1823. SCI. 30.Yao-song Shen, XiaoFen Zhu and Zhongzhou Ren, Deformed Skyrme-Hartree-Fock calculation on Hg isotopes, Phys. Rev. C59,(1999)172.SCI. 31.Zhongzhou Ren. W.Mittig, F. Sarazin, Relativistic Meanfield study on proton skins and proton halos in exotic nuclei. Nucl. Phys. A652 (1999)250. SCI. 32.T.S.Kosmas, Zhongzhou Ren, Amand Faessler, Renormalized random Phase approximation on exotic (μ-, e-) conversions, Nucl. Phys. A665 (2000) 183. SCI. 33.Zhongzhou Ren and H.Toki, Detailed study of the ground state properties of the newly Found Nuclide 48Ni in Relativistic mean-field Theory, Prog. Theor. Phys. 104(2000)595.SCI. 34.F.Sarazin, H.Savajols, W.mittig, F.Nowacki, N.A.Orr, Z.Ren, P.Roussel-Chomaz, G.Auger, D.Baibordin, A.V.Belozyorov, C.Borcea, E.Caurier, Z.Dlouhy, A.Gillibert, A.S.Lalleman, M.Lewitowicz, S.M.Lukyanov, F.de Oliveira, Y.E.Penionzhkevich, D.Ridikas, H.Sakurai, O.Tarasov, and A.de Vismes, Shape Coexistence and the N=28 shell Closure Far from Stability, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84 (2000) 5062.SCI. 35.Zhongzhou Ren and H.Toki, Superdeformation in the newly discovered superheavy Elements, Nucl. Phys. A689 (2001) 691.SCI. 36.Zhongzhou Ren, Ground state properties of even-even superheavy nuclei, Phys. Rev. C65 (2002) 051304.SCI. 37.X. Z. Cai, H. Y. Zhang, W. Q. Shen, Zhongzhou Ren, Existence of a proton halo in 23Al and its significance, Phys. Rev. C65, (2002) 024610 二、讲授课程 1.近代物理 2.量子场论 3.量子力学 三、获奖情况 1.1993年,获南京大学青年教师樱松奖 2.1995年,获南京大学青年教师奖教金 3.1997年,“One proton halo in 26P and two proton halo in 27S”获南京市优秀学术论文奖 4.1999年,“远离β稳定线奇特核性质和理论研究”获教育部科技进步二等奖

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